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Madison: send nudes

corinna: this is a strange turn of events

corinna: but me likey ;)

Madison: ha I just wanted to see what would happen if I said it

corinna: you thought I was actually going to send??

Madison: yeah I did but I thought wrong

corinna: Madison if u wanna see my nudes all u had to do was ask ;)

Madison: you won't do it

corinna: sent at 2:15 pm

corinna: sent at 2:15 pm

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Madison: CORINNA

Madison: OMFGGGG

Madison: !!!!!!!

corinna: did I make you nervous 😋

Madison: no you're giving me anxiety because you're very unpredictable LMAO

corinna: imma just ignore that and pretend that you're nervous :)

Madison: corinna you're just something else LOL

Madison: usually I wait until a date to accept nudes 🤫

corinna: well how ab this Friday night, around 7 pm? Dinner on me.

Madison: are you serious?

corinna: why wouldn't I be! I think its time I take you out and show you some real fun

Madison: well in that case, I accept :)

corinna: great :)))

daviddobrik: lol Madison run while you can


Madison: is this the famous david you were telling me about?

corinna: unfortunately lol

Madison: omg can he get me a Tesla too

daviddobrik: tf I look like jesus?

Zane: sent at 2:30 pm

Zane: sent at 2:30 pm

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Madison: omg we stan


daviddobrik: ZANE

Zane: but he looks fabulous

corinna removed david dobrik and Zane Hijazi

corinna: ANYWHO where were we

corinna: nudes ?

Seen at 2:35 pm

corinna: damn it

instagram dms | madison beer x corinna kopfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora