Now, one in a machine crane definitely the principal. The other two teacher each of the side to ensure that she would not be able to escape in ease.

Stopping her quirk for a second, she calmly breath in and out to clear her negative thought. Calculating the possibility...

"...Tch..." Sora said as she put out a penny out from her pocket like during the sports festival as she shot it towards the three teachers.

"Ehhh. Now she definitely really trying to kill the teachers?"

"Shut up, extra!"

"She testing them... Quite a clever child she is."

The control room people watch on as the smoke settle down showing the laser beam/ large attack was easily blocked by Cementoss sensei.

Snipe sensei used this chance as he continuously fire his homing bullets towards Sora while Principal Nezu used a wrecking ball to cause destruction, blocking her path.

Sora was then seen standing in place not once active her quirk after her attack, not moving as the attack grew closer as just as a cement and destruction about to hit her.

Her body was then fully covered with blue electric but so was her eyes. The bullets along with cement melted before reaching her.

Thunder and lightning heard and seen, soon thunderstorms started forming above the whole artificial town

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Thunder and lightning heard and seen, soon thunderstorms started forming above the whole artificial town.

"Her quirk is very strong... Has her quirk fully awakened." Nezu mumbled as he laughs while drinking his tea.

Watching in the monitor room, Denki not that much surprise while the others were surprised at Sora's quirk potential.

"Kaminari, you also able to do that?"

"No, I can't... She didn't tell me that she able to do that in large scale." Pointing  while shoving the idea that Sora never mention at the power she had shown,  knowing she was a genius without trying. How unfair, he thought sadly.

Like it was being manipulate, thunderbolt shot down at the three faster than the light. Prevent none of them to move even with Cementoss sensei who could counter against Sora's quirk.

Sora walked toward them while trying to control her quirk and her emotions.

Handcuffs all three of them ending the exam in 20 minutes.

An announcement made, notify that her exam was over.

"Team Kaminari Sora has passed!"

"We didn't know she was that strong..." Some whisper out loud in awe.

The whole class watched as the girl who  don't show much emotion or words, wobbled where she stood.

"Shit... We need to do something... Recovery girl! Sora having an episode." Denki shouted in worried for his cousin and teacher's safety.

Lightning or Electricity and a bit of healing<BNHA>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora