Chapter 20: Ryannnnn

Start from the beginning

Max nodded, it wasnt exactly the same but he knew just what James ment. "So.. He wants us there for.. Reassurance?"

"Well I bet that's part of it, but he also wants you to know that you arent alone either. This town is a like a bubble, you only really know the people here. And you've got good friends. But theres hundreds of people near your age going though a lot of similar things who'll be there. Being their most authentic self. Finding community and love when they might not get it anywhere else.. Dont tell David I told you, but he cried the first time I took him with me to pride."

"Well he is a cry baby, I could definitely see that. That's cool though, I didnt even know there was more to it then music and rainbows.. So, I cant have my friend over?"

"Well I cant really say, but we always have room for one more if he wanted to tag along?"

"I'll text him in a bit about it."

"Oh also.. I noticed he comes over like.. Every weekend. And no judgement but I do want to ask, are you and him.. Dating or anything?"

Max made a confused face and shook his head, "No, what would make you think that?"

"Well.. For starters you've been spending every weekend with him for.. For at least the past 3 months? And in the same room, and same bed since he never brings any bedding over.. And you always call him to play online game with him"

"Friends can do that."

"That's true, and theres nothing wrong with being close to someone. I just wanted to ask since it would be rude to assume."

James nodded and got up with a stretch, "Ive gotta see what Daveys doing, I think I'll try and steal him tonight hope you dont mind~"

"Pfft, like I care, but if you go out somewhere you better being me something back!"

"Sure thing lil man-"


Only a few hours had passed and since it was Friday, Ryan would be over soon.

"Well be back in the morning alright? You know where the cash is if you need pizza that bad haha"

Max nodded rolling his eyes, "Yeah yeah, just go already."

"Oh and just one last thing-" David bent down and gave Max a hug holding on tightly, "I loooove yooou!" He made sure not to hold on for too long before letting go and heading out the door closing it behind him.

Max stood there a bit frozen, only mumbling a soft, "you too.." after the door was closed.

[James is driving with David in the passenger seat]

"Max seemed kind of excited to go to pride, some of his friends from school are even going to be there." James said as he drove. David looked over, "Yeah? Hed mentioned something about one of his friends transitioning this year. Which reminds me- Are you sure we should leave him alone tonight?"

James nodded a little, keeping one hand on the wheel while the other gently held David's hand. "Yeah I'm sure theyll be fine. I dont live far if he needs us. And I think itd be good for them to get some alone time."

"Did you ask him if he and ryan were a thing?"

He nodded again, "Yeah, he said they arent together so I didnt push it."

"But it looked so obvious.."

"Davey you know Max doesnt lie to us, and it's pretty easy to tell when he lies anyway. So either they really are just good friends or he doesnt know how he feels yet."

"Either way well support him"



About an hour later Ryan had finally arrived, it was about 8pm now. His mother was at the door behind him to greet Max. Hed only met her once or twice before, and he never knew what to say.. She seemed nice enough but...

"Oh hi Max, is your father home I want to speak with him"

"Uh.. No sorry. He left to- To  hang out with James"

"Oh is that his friend? That's sweet well then wheres your mother I just want to make sure you have my number and see what the plan is"

Ryan's eyes widened a little at the mention. Didnt he tell her about the situation??

Max internally panicked for a moment, "I dont have one." He said  bluntly after a moment. "Its just me and dad."

"Oh- Oh goodness I'm so sorry, I could've sworn Ryan mentioned 'parents' when talking about you.. Well- Anyway tell your father to give me a call before he brings him home alright? You two be good!" She tried to get past the awkwardness as fast as possible and kissed Ryan's head before leaving.

"I'm so fucking sorry dude-" Ryan began to say once the door was closed but Max couldn't stop laughing.

"Did you see the look on her face?? Oh that was priceless oh man she probably thought we had some kind of tragic death or something-"

Ryan chuckled nervously as Max's calmed down. "Did you not mention the whole, gay thing to her?"

"..Kind of..?"

"What does 'kind of' mean here?"

"It means that.. My mom doesnt want me to have gay friends and more then likely wouldnt let me stay over if she knew your dad has a boyfriend..."

Max paused for a second, processing the situation. "Well that's stupid, we technically arent related. And I hate to break it to you but sexuality isnt genetic, or contagious."

He nodded, "Well I know that- I mean Zander is trans and I'm not and I've known him since like kindergarten!" Max nodded with him, "Its all bullshit anyway, it doesnt matter. Tell her whatever you have to if it keeps us hanging out. Speaking of- I got a new video game that I'm gonna kick your ass at~"

"Oh you wanna bet??"

"Loser does a favor for the winner, within reason of course."

"Oh you are so on!"

OKAY Ii have to end this chanper here I literally need a break BUTT I'm adding ONE last chaper after this to finish okay

Just one

If I try to add more someone come beat me up or soemthing this cant drag on forever

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