Sephiroth gave her a confused look, and Angeal looked shocked. They both tried to speak at once, but Angeal paused and let Sephiroth speak. "Remembered your past? What are you talking about?"

Kris gave Angeal a questioning look. He looked abashed. "Well, from what I could understand, it wasn't something that you wanted to be common knowledge."

Kris shook her head with a frown. "You and Genesis are his best friends. I fully expected you to share."

Sephiroth interrupted with a low voice. "That is a moot point now. Explain."

Kris sighed and looked at him. "Long story short, Zack found me half-dead outside his village when he was twelve. When I came to and had no memory of who I was, the Fairs adopted me. The shock of being told the man I love was dead finally broke my memories loose."

All three of the men were back to looking uncomfortable. She had been so dispassionate about the retelling. Angeal put a hand on her shoulder. "I can understand why it was a shock, but what do your memories have to do with why you are here?"

Kris sighed. This was going even worse than she expected. They were all still treating her with kid gloves. "Everything. Let's start with the fact that I know that Genesis faked his death. I also know where he is."

Kris almost wanted to smile, despite how painful it was just to keep breathing. The nearly identical looks of shock were pretty humorous. That didn't last long. Zack was suddenly firing off questions to her side, and Angeal looked like she had just slapped him.

Sephiroth ended up having to raise his voice to silence everyone. The look he gave her was pitying, and Kris had to fight the urge to smack it off his face. She reminded herself that it wasn't his fault.

"I understand why it might be difficult for you to admit he is gone, but we did not list him as dead without good reason."

Kris just raised a brow. Even Sephiroth had to fight the urge to step back uncomfortably at the look she leveled his way. "Oh, like his bloodied duster? Or are you saying you actually found his body? Because I will bet you, anything you want, that you didn't. Because he isn't dead."

She barely saw Angeal grimace next to her. She hadn't needed to see it to know she was right. Still, Sephiroth did not sound convinced. "Why would he fake his death."

It was Kris' turn to grimace. She had to fight back the urge to leave the office and head straight upstairs. It was only the knowledge that it wouldn't do her any good until these men were all on the same page with her. She did scowl up at him. "He had a damn good reason, and he can tell you himself when we go fetch him. At least he can once I'm done with him."

Sephiroth had no idea what to think about the woman. She didn't show any signs of someone delusional or depressed. If he didn't know differently, he would say she was being truthful. She did have a point in that they had not found Genesis' body. Or not confirmed that the remains they found were his, to be more exact. Still, he had a feeling she would not leave until he at least heard her out, so he humored her. "If you have information on Genesis' possible whereabouts, you should share that information so we can investigate."

Kris narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "No dice. I will not share anything until you agree to take me."

Sephiroth clenched his jaw. She was just as stubborn as Genesis ever was, and he wondered how they hadn't fought more. He shook the random thought off. "I cannot allow a civilian to go into a military investigation. Yes, you are a Shinra employee, but that is not the same thing."

Kris opened her mouth to give him a scathing retort but was cut off by a smooth voice behind them. "I may be able to help."

They all four turned to see Tseng standing in the doorway. Kris cursed under her breath before she glared at him. "Do you have the senses of a vulture or something?"

He raised a brow at her question but brushed it off. "I had been told you were back, so I wanted to come to offer my condolences. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but your voice could be heard in the hallway."

Kris hadn't lost her glare, but Sephiroth used the pause to speak. "What do you mean, you can help?"

Tseng stepped further into the office and shut the door. "I believe that if Miss Fair wants to join an investigation into Genesis' disappearance, I have the solution." Kris huffed and rolled her eyes at his smug look. She had a feeling she knew what was coming next. He looked straight at her as he continued. "You could become a Turk. Once you do, I could authorize a team to be sent."

Kris shook her head. "I knew it. You are a damn vulture."

He gave her an expectant look. Kris clenched her fists several times and gritted her teeth. His solution was a good one, but she hated that he had her cornered. Finally, she nodded. "Fine. Get the damn suit."

Tseng gave her a smirk and pulled out his phone. He nodded to Sephiroth when he hung up. "I will have Miss Fair's uniform here shortly. In the meantime, why don't we get the details of our next mission."


Genesis was barely paying attention to Hollander's ranting. The man seemed to be complaining once again that Genesis had not brought the Soldiers that had been requested. He grimaced as he remembered it. When he even thought about bringing them, all he could picture was the fact that if fate had been different, one of them might have been the Puppy. If he had allowed Hollander to do what he wished, then Kristobel's hatred would have been justified and lasting. No, it was better that they find another way.

Genesis stood and Hollander cut off mid-sentence. The scientist was already wondering if it had been a bad idea to convince Genesis to leave. He thought he would be able to control him with promises to fix the degradation, but the Soldier's temper was flighty and often as not turned to Hollander himself. He didn't say anything as Genesis walked out.

When he was gone, Hollander cursed. He had managed to get a couple of villagers without Genesis' help and had made clones out of them. They didn't have the strength of Soldiers, however, and the first one had died as soon as he exited the machine. It was that man he had used to fake Genesis' death. He was irritated that Genesis hadn't wanted to be part of that either. It was like the man didn't care if he died, or worse, had figured out that Hollander didn't have a clue how to fix him. At least he was still alive. If he felt that Genesis' mind was slipping to the point that he might actually kill him, then he would run. For now, he would use what resources he could scrounge and keep trying to convince the Soldier that he was the only way to the future.

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