Chapter 3: Same Sh*t, Different Day

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      " Aww, my head is killing me...Wait? Where am I?" Sitting up straight, Saito held his head as he waked up to find himself laying on a small cot bed with a blanket wrapped over him. 

      " Well, you're awake," I announced my presence as Saito turned his head abruptly to see Erik and I standing over him while Jack was leaning by the doorway with his elbow supporting him. 

     " Guys what the-! What are you doing here?!" Saito exclaimed as he covered himself with the blanket even though he wasn't naked. " Where am I? What room is this? And why are you guys dressed in clean clothes?" 

     " It's a long story," Erik replied as he held out his hand to help Saito off the bed. " We'll explain everything along the way but you need to get your ass off the bed first." 

     Shrugging, Saito grabbed his hand as he was pulled out of the bed and began to stand albeit; shaking a bit from laying in the bed. *Grunt* "Where are my combat boots?" Saito asked as he did stretches to his legs to relieve the stiffness. 

      " Right here ya Hāfu," Jack answered as he held a pair of black combat boots before placing them on the ground and walking out the room. " I'll inform Adelle that you're awake and the three of you will be coming soon," As Jack said that, he walked away from our sights and into the hallway. 

      " What's his problem?" Saito asked as he went to grab his black boots. " It's not like I punched him so hard that he went limp. Instead, I was the one who went limp, not him." 

      " At least he didn't throw the boots at you," I responded as Saito and Erik grunted in agreement as he began to wear and tie his boots on. 

       " So how long was I out cold?" Saito asked. 

       " A full day," Erik returned his question prompting Saito to almost drop his right boot. 

       " A day?!" Saito asked bewildered at the answer. 

       " Actually almost a full day to be correct," Erik confirmed his question to which Saito let out a chuckle. 

       " And here I thought you were the one sleeping like a rock," Saito chuckled again as he finished tying up his right boot. " Alright I'm done, let's go meet this 'Adelle'-person." 

       " You mean little girl?" I asked. 

       " What?" 


        " So she's a little girl dressed up in a gimmicky fancy outfit?" Saito rephrased what I said. 

        " She calls it her medieval black-white gothic dress of the finest silk in all of the Supernatural World," Erik stated. 

        " What?" Saito questioned as he processed what Erik said. 

        " That's what she said," Erik truthfully replied as he stuck his hands in his navy blue sweatpants that were surprisingly well fitted for him, considering that he's largest than all of us. Still unsure, Saito thought for a few moments before asking another question. " So why choose us? I mean, why? We're a bunch of four rag-tag friends who bonded over the need to survive and became more closer after Richtofen found us." 

        "Are you sure we bonded? Because I remembered you and Saisho always fighting or arguing with each other every time the same goes to Jack," Erik pointed out. 

       "Yeah, well, Jack and I fight over things that I have or he has, I mean he's a hoarder, not like the one that keeps garbage around but your or let us say, 'our' own personal money hoarder, if you know what I mean," Saito explained as both Erik and I grunted in agreement. 

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