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"You'll never k-know, dear... How much I love you..."

    It felt like there was a knife in your throat. It hurt. It hurt, but you couldn't stop yourself. Grandma always told you to push yourself if you wanted to do great things and you believed that full-heartedly. What was it you wanted to do?

"P-Please don't take... my sunshi--"


    You wanted to stand up for yourself. Stand up to your parents after all the abuse you endured for being something they didn't agree with.
    You would've bitten them if they hadn't drilled fear into your head so early on in your life. Now, if you tried your fangs would get snapped like a twig. Maybe one day, but not today.

    You continued to sing to yourself, unaware of how much you would regret it later on. Clawing at your head, you desperately tried to stop, but your attempts were futile. After a few moments of mumbling the lyrics, the basement door slammed open.

"You damn mistake, I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!"

    The tears were flowing freely now and your body shook with every stomp of your father. By the time your heart was drumming in your chest, his old brown shoes came into view, followed by a flash of pain throughout your whole body.

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    You woke abruptly, sitting up with a jerk of your body. Your heart pounded in your chest as though it was in a race, making your hands shake and your breath to quiver. Your fangs unsheathed themselves as a defense and stabbed your lip, waking you from your panicked state.

    You winced and rubbed your bloodshot eyes, trying to rid yourself of any leftover fatigue. When you brought your hands back, however, you noticed the scar your parents left behind.
    Your mood noticeably dimmed and you considered sulking in bed all day, but a push on your legs snapped you out of your head. "Hey, come on! Get off your butt, It's time to go!" Hawk yelled.

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     You stumbled down to the village with Hawk hot on your tail. "Lady (F.Name), you made it!" Elizabeth cheered once she saw you. You greeted her with a wave and settled next to her.

"What is this, a cult?" You asked after a few moments of silence.

    Elizabeth pointed to the sword embedded into the ground. "You see the sword? It belongs to a Holy Knight. Apparenlty a little boy made the Holy Knight upset so he struck the ground. The water hasn't flowed since." She stated.

    On cue, a little red-headed boy walked in front of the crowd. "What's the deal with all this moaning and groaning?" He asked in a snobbish tone. "A Holy knight's sword stuck in the ground is nothing!" Mead faced the crowd with a confident persona. "If my buddies the Eight Deadly Sins were here, that sword would be gone by now!"

You glanced to Meliodas in confusion, but he only shrugged.

    "That' enough, Mead! Whose fault is it that we're in this predicament in the first place?!" One of the villagers yelled. "Of all the things to say, do you have to mention those criminals too?!" The rest of the villagers piped up with their complaints as well, but they only drowned each other out the higher their voices rose.
    They all began to gradually crowd around the boy before a little girl threw a rock at him in her anger. "You're such a jerk!" she hollered.

𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬【𝐒𝐃𝐒 𝐁𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐦】Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant