Holy Sh!t I'm Married

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The wedding and reception seem to fly by, I keep moving the ring around the finger. Seojun grabs my hand and we head to the local hotel with Song, Tine, Gabi and Suho following. Song and Gabi are wasted while the rest of us aren't. We head to check in and we all then hop in the elevator to our floor. Then we all head to our rooms, giggling along the way at 2 am.

Seojun and I make it to our room, it's got a huge basket of goodies and snacks. And there are specialized robes with our names on them. I giggle and have Seojun help me out of my dress. I immediately head to the bathroom to use the porcelain throne and change.

"Ah fuck," I say realizing I just got my period.

"You okay Em?" Seojun asks.

"Yeah, just got my period sorry in advance for the ammount of bitchiness." I tell him and hear a light chuckle. I finish getting changed and taking care of myself. Fuck being a girl, this suckssss nothing like getting married then having your wife break out in pimples and be crabby.

"You don't have to be sorry, it's natural and I was kind of worried about tonight anyways." Seojun tells me. I raise an eyebrow, wondering what he meant. "I wasn't sure how we would spend our first night together. Like would we have sex or just chill?" He says rubbing the back of his head, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Well I don't know how lucky I was to marry you." I tell him and hug him his arms wrap around me. I breathe in and smell his scent, damn this man smells amazing. He places a light kiss on my head.

"I'm the lucky one here, now I'll be right back. My turn to change and use the restroom." He tells me. I open the basket of goodies and grab some snacks. I then rummage through my purse to find midol and take some. Next I hop on the bed and turn on the TV to look for something to watch.

Seojun soon walks out and hops on the bed with me and we cuddle under the covers while watching the Harry Potter movie marathon. I look up at him admiring his good looks when he looks down at me. He smirks lightly then kisses my nose. I blush and snuggle into his chest, cuddles are the best. His arms wrap around me and pull me closer into his warmth. I'm the luckiest girl alive.

I vaguely remember watching Harry Potter And The Order of The Pheonix before falling asleep. I sleep soundly until my phone alarm goes off at 8 am. I groan and snuggle up to the heat source next to me. That's when it hits me, I got married yesterday. And the alarm going off is the 3 hour till our plane leaves for Japan for our honeymoon.

I sigh and gradually move the covers off myself shivering once the cool air of the room hits me. I make my way to shut my alarm off. Then I hop in the shower and get ready. I've showered and gotten dressed but Seojun is still passed out. I walk over to his sleeping form and kiss his nose. Then whisper in his ear "It's time to wake up dear, we have a plane to catch in a few hours."

He groans and slowly opens his eyes, looking up at me he smiles. "It wasn't a dream," he says in a raspy morning voice "I did marry a gorgeous woman yesterday."

I giggle a bit and then smirk, I rip the covers off him. He let's out a squeak of displeasure and I laugh. Soon after he joins in and we laugh at just after 8:30 am like psychos. He then gets up and heads to shower and get ready too. I grab our bags and belongings that we'll need for the trip. I make sure to make a small list of things we will need to get before we take off.

Get before flying
Chocolate, lots of chocolate
Can Ice cream be taken on planes?

Once Seojun is out of the bathroom he gets dressed in comfy sweats and a t shirt. I smile at him and we finish packing our bags then head to the lobby.

The elevator ride down feels like it takes forever. We decide to just eat something at the airport to save time. Then we wait about 5 minutes until the airport shuttle arrives and we make small talk with our driver until he drops us off at our gate.

Seojun takes 2 of the 3 suitcases and we drop the biggest off so we only have to take our carry ons. With that done we head through security and then on to our gate. We pass lots of places to eat on the way but one in particular catches my eye: Chik-fil-a. That's where we're eating! And then we can get Starbucks! I make a bee line for the short waiting line.

"Em! Wait up!" Seojun says speed walking to keep up. I stop once I'm in line and he simply rolls his eyes. "Good breakfast choice."

"I know! Then we can get Starbucks too!!" I tell him fully awake. He smiles at me and then we make our order, wait for it to be ready and eventually grab it. After we have food in hand we head to get Starbucks, I get a venti matcha green tea frappuccino and Seojun gets a venti americano.

I giggle and think of a trainee who had just gotten an americano for the first time. They even sang about it "Americano~~ joah~ joah~ joah~" (Thank you Hyunjin and Jisung of Stray Kids)

"What's so funny?" Seojun asks.

"It's a joke from some of my trainees, you wouldn't understand." I tell him he nods and takes a sip of his drink. We make quick work of our food then wait for the plane to come in. I stare out the window watching planes take off and land.

"Having fun?" Seojun asks. I nod and then turn to look at him holding dramamine, midol, and chocolate. I love this man. "I saw your list this morning and figured this would help you on the plane. And I heard from your mom you get a little nervous flying."

"Thanks and yeah, I like flying and all it just scares me a bit sometimes. I don't know why, cause I've flown a lot and plane crashes aren't common at all. Hell car crashes are more common than plane crashes." I start then realize I'm ranting a bit. "Anyways, this is awesome and I'm expecting cuddles on the way there."

Seojun chuckles and then we hear over head that our plane has just landed. And should be ready in about 20 minutes. I look at Seojun and smile. I'm excited to begin this adventure with my husband. And I'm excited to be able to see Japan again. I love Osaka, it's beautiful. One week there is all we get though then it's back to the real world.

An Arranged Marriage Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora