chapter 1

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hello, welcome to my first book! if the grammar isn't the best it's because it's my first book lmao. even though i made this a year ago my grammar has gotten better, i'm a straight A english student now somehow..

anyways, thank you for clicking this and reading! you may proceed.

p.s - there is swearing in this book.

update: hey! it's been a while since i've even gone near this book. i've started to re-read some chapters, i skimmed through them, and now i'm gonna re-edit them for obvious, grammatical reasons. i'm gonna change the layout a bit, but either way, i hope you enjoy! the story will remain the same, i may just be adding some words here and there! i want to change from y/n's perspective and create an actual character, but i don't know if i should - let me know in the comments! but anyways, enjoy, loves <3

It was a typical day; tedious and repetitious. You woke up at 7 am and proceeded to get ready for school. You brush your tangled hair, and brush your teeth, before heading off into your room to decide what to wear.

After a while of simply staring at your closet with your arms crossed, you decide on black flared leggings, accompanied with a white turtleneck. You slip on your favourite jewelry, along with your work-out shoes, and make your way downstairs.

As you're speeding down the stairs, you hear your mom's sweet voice calling your name.

"Yes, mom?" You asked.

"Oh, there you are. I just wanted to make sure you weren't still sleeping," She replied.

You gave a soft smile and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl, milk, and a box of your favourite cereal.

You gulp the cereal down quickly and run to the door, rushing to put your oversized leather jacket on as you get a text from your best friend, Tom, that reads; "Get outside. You're always so late!"

Hastily, you're grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Through your door you hear Tom yell.

"(Y/n)! Hurry up, or we're gonna be late for school!" He shouts while honking the car.

Thomas Stanley Holland; your closest friend. The two of you were constantly seen together, you spent all day together. You were an inseparable pair.

You run down the steps and open the car. You throw your bag on your lap as you sit down and buckle your seat belt.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," You said with an apologetic look on your face.

Tom can get pissed off easily, but because you've known him since you were a child, your mere presence, and your soothing voice helps calm him down.

"It's fine." He mumbles, starting the car.


You and Tom reached your school just in time, both running to the gates of the school. As every other teenager in the hallway slowly made their way to class, you and Tom rushed there. Ms. Lawton, your teacher, was very strict - you don't mess with her.

"Late. Both of you are late," She said, disappointed clearly laced in her tone.

"We're both very sorry, right, Tom?" You nudged Tom as he shook his head.

it was always you [tom holland, timothée chalamet]Where stories live. Discover now