"Yes i am, i had set my alarm i little earlier than yours so i could get ready in peace." I explained to him.

He walked towards me and looked me up and down. "You look..uhm" he scratched the head of back not knowing what say.

I gave him a small smile "You don't need to tell me how i look. I know what i look like." I said to him while walking to door.

He grabbed my arm and spinned me around "You look beautiful."

"Thank you" i said as serious as possible. Serious was the only emtion i would let myslef feel today.

I followed Luke downstairs to the kitchen. I personally didn't want to eat breakfast but the guys wouldn't leave my alone until i ate something. It's not that i didn't want to eat it's just that i was never really hungry or i would be to busy. All the guys give my looks for mt outfit. I could almost hear their thoughts "Why cloves? Why so much makeup?". But none of the guys had the balls to actually ask those questions.

I sat down in the couch next to Michael with my cup of tea and a bowl of cereal. "Somebody is dressed fancy." He said smiling at me.
I stood up and gave him a small bow "You may call me miss."
He laughed at that and i sat back down still looking rather serious.
"Are you nervous for today? He asked after i remained silent.
"I don't know. I don't feel nervous right now but think i will be later."
He nodded at my and padded my knee "It will be over before you know it."

We all go into the car, surprisingly on time. I always thought that doctor were very organized and never late. But i guess i was wrong. Just like yesterday they all had taken the day off to be with me. It felt wrong of me to keep them from there patients but I was happy that they were all here to support me.

We all entered the building and sat down on the last bench in the courtroom.

I expected Lucy to be really nervous or sad but she wasn't showing any emotion. She was looking in front of her with a serious, almost angry face. I really hope that she isn't bottling her feelings up because that would mean that she would break down as soon as this was all over.

She helt her breath when George was let into the room. She never took her eyes off of him, she wanted to make sure that he would stay were he was. I layed my hand on her knee to let her know that she was safe. She immediately tensed up as soon as i touched her and didn't relax until i put my hand back. I wanted to know what she was feeling right now. Her breathing got faster and i was worried that she would get an anxiety attack. But i couldn't do anything right now because every movement i made scared her.

Lucy had warned about the sentence before hand, she said that we shouldn't be mad about how short the sentence would most likely be. We just had to happy that he even was getting time. But even though she had said that i was still mad at the time he got. He only got 3 years without bail, and that was mostly because of his possession of illegal drugs. The didn't about the fact that he had raped a young girl.

Lucy remained silent and her face serious. We all tried to get her to talk but she all ignored us. The carride back was extremely quiet. Ashton tried to get her talk, it didn't matter about what she would talk. But she refused and looked outside her window with blank stare. She had always been a quiet kid but this was new level of quietness.

We all got into the house and Lucy was to last one the enter. She immediately gasped for air and relaxed her face a little bit, like she had turned herself off when we were at court. She wanted to smile at us but didn't. Instead she grabbed her chest and looked at us with scared eyes.


I followed them inside, i had made it without letting out any emotion or feelings. I let my face relaxed as soon as i entered to the house. I was safe and would never have to see him again. Luke turned around giving my a small smile, almost asking "are you okay?" with his eyes. Just when i was about to give him a smile back i felt an shart pain in my chest. I had felt that feeling before, it was like a heart attack but i knew that is wasn't that. I was having a panic attack. Mabye not feeling anything wasn't a good idea.

I put my hands on my chest on let myself fall to the floor. Ashton was the one to catch me "sit up and put your knees to your chest " he said to me. I could barely breathe let alone move properly, so he pulled my knees to my chest and made sure i sat up. He counted and i had to match my breathing to that. It took me 5 minutes to succeed at that. My breathing was now more regular. Ashton pulled me into his chest were i calmed down even more, letting a few tears escape my eyes. He stroked my hair and sighted "You need to start taking to us. We won't be able to help unless you talk to us."

I nodded at him and after it was quiet for a while i looked up him and said "I'm tired"
He smiled at my and stood up while he was still holding me. "Let's get you to your bed"

I didn't care that it was only 1 in the afternoon, i felt exhausted. As soon as Ashton put me in my bed i dozed off.

Promise Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora