°• ~ Part Seventeen ~ •°

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I woke up and reached the other side of the bed to hold Kenny, but he wasn't there.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up.

I looked around, not seeing him nowhere.

My heart skipped as I jumped out of bed and walked to my door, peeking out looking for Kenny.

He wasn't there..

I wanna cry.

How can he just leave like that?

"Looking for someone Butters?" My dad asked.

"Uh..No dad."

"You sure? Because I'm pretty sure you're looking."

"No dad. Get the hell off my back already. Between you and Mom. Always gotta blame me for everything!" I glared at him.

"You know what. Get the fuck out."

I looked at him in shock. "W-W-What..?"

"Get the fuck out! I'm SICK of your attitude! JUST GET OUT!" My dad pushed me to the front door.

"DA-" He slammed the door in my face.

I stared at it.

"I forgot my coat.." He sighed and looked down as he walked away.

I sat down on a hill and hugged my knees and cried as snow fell on my body.

I've been outside for at least a hour..


My eyes went wide and quickly wiped my tears away. "Ken!"

Kenny walked in front of me and looked down at me. "Hi..? Why are you out here?"

i tried not to shiver, then acted cool. "Just chillin. Ya know"

"Right. Where's your coat then? It's freezing!" Kenny slid off his coat and squat right in front of me, wrapping his coat around me.

I closed my eyes and held his coat close to me.

It was so harm.



"What happened?"

I sighed. "I got kicked out.."

"Kicked out? For what?" Kenny lifted a brow.

I wiped my eye. "For yelling at my dad."

"You yelled at your dad?"

I nodded.

"One second." Kenny walked to my house.


I ran after him.

He looked back at me, but kept walking.

I grabbed his hand and tried to stop him, but of course he was dragging me..

Fucking dragging me!

"Ken, please!"

He ignored me.

I stood in front of him.

He looked down at me.

I looked up at him.

He picked me up and started to walk again.


We got closer to my house.

"Ugh. Come on!"

I need to think of something and quick..

I moved my eyes around, trying to figure out something.

I got it.

I pressed my lips against Kenny's and kissed him deeply.

He stopped and tried to put his head away.

I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him more.

"Leo....stop... it's...not......Mmm...right..." He said between kisses.

I ignored him and wrapped my arms and legs around him.

He shook his head and leaned me against a tree as we made out.

He trailed his lips down to my neck.

I tilt my head to the side and closed my eyes.

Kenny pulled away and sneezed.

"Bless you.. are you okay? You've been having the coughs and sneeze. Are you sick?" I touched his forehead.

He laughed. "I'm perfectly fine Buttercup. Now where were we?"

He kissed my neck again.

I kept my head to the side.

"Kenny.. please... We need- Oh." I moaned as he kissed my soft spot.

He pulled away and looked at me.

I quickly covered my mouth and turned my head away.

"That was actually hot as fuck."

Kenny pressed his lips against my neck again, and sucked the soft spot.

I bit my knuckle from moaning, but still kept making noises.


I was getting a boner.

Kill me.


Kenny felt it, so he grind against me.

"Kenny, not here."

He stopped and pulled away.

"Let's go to a hotel." I tell him.

"Aha, yeah fuck that. My buddy said he's going out of town and wanted me to watch his cabin for a week or so. He said I could stay there and allow whoever I want. He also left food and money. So, you're stuck with me kid." He winked at me.

The thought of the cabin made me excited.

"Are you sure..?"

Kenny grabbed my face. "Buttercup. I'm not letting you sleep on the street. Come on."

He put me down and reached for my hand.

I grabbed his hand and held it as we started to walk together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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