chapter 16: Morganas peculiar state part IIII

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 Iseldir looks down upon Morganas body and wrenches his eyes, he feared that this might happen, but it's sooner then expected. Far sooner. As soon as his student who he entrusted to keep watch for Morganas body came running to him,he knew there was someting wrong, very wrong. " iseldir the witch- i mean the priestess Morgana, something is happening!" victor yelled while knocking on the chiefs door. The chief who was meditating and drowning out all negative energy to reach a certain calmth got interrupted by a very shaken up student. He opened the door for him and saw his face. "Its morgana..she is..." victor didn't have to say no more as he softly pushed him to the side and started running towards the room. He slows down and enters it and can feel the air changing around him, an ominous aura is surrounding the area. He looks at the table where she is laying, he walks up takes a closer look. The first thing he noticed were the cracks that formed on the stone table. The second is morganas body getting paler by the minute. The third and last and proably the worst of all is a dark substance that appeared on the fingers of the priestess. it's making it's way up her arms. Iseldir put both his hands on the table and bows down his head in defeat. " we have to act fast, we have far less time then anticpated. Our enemy thinks farther then we expected, having put a counterspell as soon as we used the earth binding spell on the witch. " one of them says. " we can't act rash, we have to keep a calm head" another one retorts. " this discussing won't bring us anywhere. We have to do something now." a third person calmy suggests. " luckily iseldir acted in time to stabilize her condition but we don't know what other tricks our enemy has up their sleeves. Delaying the spread of the dark substance." The eldest of them informs. Iseldir who is still looking at Morganas limp body stays silent the whole coversation, he brought in the other chieftains of nearby druid camps to discuss the impending danger and the priestess state which is worsening by the minute. The chiefstain are now having a big argument on wich path they should take. They talking all at once making it very hard to actually make it what they are saying. Iseldir puts his thumb and middle finger on his temple trying to massage the upcoming headache away. " why don't just let the witch die!"the fifth and last one interjects between everyone, silence falls and all eyes follow the young man walking in the middle of circle they are standing in. " why do we have to save the evil witch, who says she won't join 'his' cause. You all saw what she has become. I say let her die" he finishes sternly. The mood changes, the air darkens as they all remember what the once so love filled sorceress turned into. " we can't change the past, we also can't ignore what she did. Truly she has done horrid things. But in spite of all of that, deep inside is still Morgana le fay burried by all the agony she has undergone, you remember her darkness but do you remember her light." Iseldir asks while walking from man to man untill stopping in front of james, the youngest ever druid chieftain. " i know what she did to you my boy was nothing more but painful, but don't let your personal feelings blind you from the right path. Morgana Pendragon is needed for the prophecy to come true. She and emrys must become one to defeat the enemy." iseldir recites quoting the new prophecy. James balls his fist but looks down in defeat. Iseldir puts his hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner and squeezes it softly. " how are going to deal with the poison." victor who has been leaning against the wall on far side of the room and staying silent the whole discussion asks out loud " Are you sure the witches half-sister can get the cure to this ancient magic poisoning" one of the older chieftain asks out loud. "avalon doesn't make mistakes on sending a dead person into the living world. Besides the sorceress Morgause will be of great help to our cause." Iseldir responds. " the connection she has with Morgana might be of great help to us." . He looks them in the eyes and conveys his message trough them. " like the prophecy says good and bad must come together to face a greater evil." victor voices stepping in who has been queit the whole as he gives his mentor a nod. The others start to murmur amongst each other and nod their heads in agreement except for james who stayed silent. " so be it"

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