Edge of the Plateau

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After that night, I went to the sheer cliff that was under the shrine, and climbed up to the top by the end of the day, I was tired and sweaty so I took a small break before continuing to the shrine. It was turning night and so I went inside and got another rune, 'stasis', which freezes animated objects in there place for a limited time. By the time I got out, it was night time, and quite cold, even with the coat on, but I started trudging through the snow covered mountains, but then, right in front of me, something poked out of the ground, then a small skeleton hand came out, and then an entire body. It looked like the pig creatures skeletons, and they had a weapon, a big broadsword came with them. I hit them with my bat and they fell apart, leaving the head on the ground, so I brought down my bat hard, crushing it. I grabbed the sword it carried and its arms as weapons. Disgusting? Yeah. Useful? Yeah. I made my way to the shrine's hill, but then multiple giant snowballs started coming down the hill like an avalanche, I dodged one but got slapped by another, making me roll down the hill with it. I eventually stopped and got up to continue up the mountain, but there was a pig camp there just  waiting for me to come, so I started shooting arrows at the explosive barrel near the camp, and it exploded on impact, killing all the pigs instantly, except for one that was blue? He toughed it out and got his now on fire boko club to attack me. I started to sprint towards him and as I was just about to get close enough to hit him, he started swinging, I dodged back while doing a backflip on instinct. I realized that time had seemed to slow down, because I was upside down, still in the air, just looking around even the pig was still in-swing, slowly moving its arm. Once I landed on the ground after a good 5 seconds, I took a single step and was right next to the pig in an instant so I took out my sword quickly and started attacking and then I was back in normal time, and the blue pig was dead. What was that? How did I do that? I'm so confused right now, and very tired so I took the big piece of meat off the pig campfire and started eating it while looking at the stars.

Once I was finished with the meat, I threw away the bone that held it and went up to the shrine, wondering what rune I was going to get next, so I entered the shrine and started going down. A few minutes later, I came out of the shrine with a new rune, called 'cryonis' which could make ice pillars over water, and then I saw a chest in a freezing lake, so I decided to test it out, but before I could, the man came up the hill to congratulate me for completing the four shrines, and told me to head over to the temple of time, the old ruined building back near the place where we first met. I nodded and he started to run over to it. I got the chest and went into the ruined building after killing a few pigs again and I found another chest with newer pants in them. I put them on and went into the main building. It was strangely calming walking in there seeing statues of a lady who was praying. I walked up to her and she started... talking?! I started putting my hands together to pray and listened to her. "I can grant you power, hero. Would you prefer a heart container or extra stamina?" I chose the extra stamina silently. "Go, and bring piece to Hyrule, Hero"

Hero. All those Frail Men in the shrines kept calling me that, and now this statue lady was too. Why? What's so special about me? I'm just a kid that woke up from a long nap. I don't even remember anything from before I woke up. Just goes to blank.

I stopped praying and I heard the old man's voice "Hey! Up here!" I nodded to say 'Alright, one minute.' I started to climb up the shambles of the old temple onto the roof. Looking at the Old Man now, he seemed to be in that armor that I'd found before in his house. He also had his giant sword on his back. I walked up to him, and he started talking "Well, you've made it, you've passed the four shrines. Now it is time I tell you something important." I continue to listen "You, 100 years ago, were a hero, a champion of Hyrule. You were supposed to defeat Calamity Ganon, but while protecting the princess, you were mortally wounded, and was brought back to the shrine of resurrection, where you slept for 100 years, recovering from a lethal incident. Once you woke up, you had the side effect of not having any of you're memories from your past life. You're name is Link, and are a reincarnation of the Hero of Hyrule, like me." I was confused. So were we related? "I am also named Link, but you may call me Time for short." My mind started to race to think of what this could mean. Is this Hero of Time even alive? I tried to speak for the first time, but I choked and coughed, the words caught on my tongue. "I am alive if that's what you're asking." I sighed in relief. "Here, this is your paraglider. I have my own too." I spoke softly "Does that mean... you're coming with me?" He nodded "We shouldn't go straight to Ganon's castle though. This is your quest after-all." I smiled softly at his words. At least I wouldn't be alone in this.

 I took the glider from his hands and we went on our way. "I actually wasn't intending on following whoever was coming out of the Shrine of Resurrection, but then I saw it was you, and decided to help." I gave him a thankful smile once more. Once we had reached the edge of the great plateau's old walls, we sailed off into the land of Hyrule.

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