Strange Old Man

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As I went down the tower to explore with vast land, the man swooped down on a gliding like object and startled me. I stepped back as I looked at him with a longing look. As he lands I start trying to point out the glider thing. The man finally gets it, and starts speaking "Oh! Are you talking about my paraglider? Ah, yes, this thing can give you the ability to get down from tall heights, like the Great Plateau, for instance." I stared at his scarred eye then tried telling me how I could get one of these paragliders. "So you want one then?" I nodded. He then smiled and said, "Well you're gonna have to earn it! You see that glowing tower?" I nod again "Something tells me it has some kind of treasure inside it, why don't you go fetch it for me?" I turn to start running towards it, and I see more of those pig creatures, so I go into there and after many dodges and blocking, I was victorious and got their weapons as a result, including a hand-crafted, well worn bow, and a few arrows. I then started to get closer to the shrine and hovered my sheikah slate over it, it glowed and after a few seconds, a small door opened and I walked through it, but there was nothing there, but then I started going down under ground.

After a minute, I was in a new room in the same texture and material from the room I woke up in. There was yet another pedestal, so I put my slate in it, and a droplet started forming above the slate, and it dropped on the slate and disappearing instantly. I took out my slate and found the new tool, magnesis, which allowed me to pick up metal objects with relative ease, and I looked around and saw a metal thing on the ground, so I picked it up and there was an opening, I went through it and went up a small ladder, there was a wall blocking my path, but there was a small metal box in it so I picked that up and crushed the wall. Then I saw something, it looked like a giant spider with one eye, and then I heard something charge up, and I instinctively took out my shield. Just in time. A small beam came out of the eye and shot directly at my shield, basically disintegrating it, so I quickly got near and hit hard to push it down into the water below. It worked and the beast started throwing up sparks and quickly vanished.

I then made my way through the rest of the trial, found a chest, and got to a room with a very frail man inside it, I softly touched the wall, and it started disintegrating, and then the man started talking to me, "You have down well to finish this trial, it marks the strength of a true hero." It continues "Save this land, hero." It sent shivers down my spine, then something appeared in front of it's chest, which looked like a small orb, and flew towards my chest, disappearing when it hit. I started to reach out for the man, but he disappeared, slowly flying away into the air. Then I went back and came out the building, and the old man appears, almost as soon as I came out. He then starts to talk about my orb, and this confuses me. I never told him that I got any treasure, let alone an orb, but I shrug it off, I then point to his paraglider, " Ah, you already want it?" I nod. He goes on "Well how about you get me the next three of those that you find?" I stomp my feet, annoyed at the man's 'generosity'. "Don't whine, you're a fit young man, you can get a few more, right?" I then turn away, giving him a playful whine. "I'll even give you a tip to finding them, go to your slate, and touch the tower, I did so and instantly got transported up the tower. I look around, confused. After a few minutes, the man finally climbs up with a small sigh, then starts talking again "Try using the built-in binoculars in your slate to look around the plateau. I did so and saw three buildings around the plateau, the closest one was in some ruins, and the others further away. I hear the old man speak again "If you touch the screen where the shrines are, you can mark them on your map to find them later." I give him a thankful smile and went on my way.

Once I got to the first shrine, I noticed a buzz that I hadn't before, my slate buzzed and said the name of the building 'Ja Baij Shrine' I looked at my map again at the last building, and there was that last 'shrine' word again. It seemed these places were called shrines I wasn't near the shrine yet, but then I heard something that wasn't my slate, I look around and see this giant robot, which was way bigger than before, but without legs, and it started beeping, looking straight at me with a red dot crosshair on my forehead. So I started running. Fast. I got behind a pillar just before I heard the beeping stop and then 


The small crumbling part of the building I was hiding behind was destroyed so I started to climb a wall and as soon as I jumped off, another beam went off right behind me into the night sky. But thankfully, the beeping stopped as I went over the wall, and I found the shrine.

As I finished I had gotten some runes called  'Remote Bomb', I got two runes from this, which gave me a sphere bomb and a cube bomb. After I got out of the shrine, it was just turning night time. I went towards the direction of the next closest shrine, and found a small house, where I saw the old man in front of a small cooking pot, so I went over to the old man to see what he was doing, he then told me to try and cook something so I did. The man seemed so intrigued by me cooking a small bit of fish I found in a pond and some red peppers together, as if he hadn't seen some one this good at cooking in a long time. He tasted it, instantly in love it appears, and gave me a small clap, then went into his shack and gave me a coat, I put it on, instantly feeling the comfort change from that old shirt. It was so warm and fluffy. He then pointed up to the mountain and said "You're gonna need that to get to the furthest shrine." I nodded and started pointing at the shack to ask if I could sleep there. He understood and smiled "Go ahead, sleep well, you're going to need it to climb that cliff. I nodded and went into the dusty house. It seemed clean and humble, yet so creepy. I found the bed, but decided to explore a bit more. I peered under the big table, and saw... Knight armor? and Chainmail? What was this old man hiding, I tugged the piece of armor from under the table. It looked so... amazing, it was mostly silver with gold shoulder and arm guards, the arm guards were detached, so the chainmail mu st hold it all together. I decided to put the case to rest and look around more. Other than a huge and heavy sword, All there was were a few rotten vegetables and old meat, but then I saw a mirror. This mirror was a small hand mirror but as I looked into it, I start to shudder.

Jagged scars ran across the left side of my face and ear, going all the way down my neck leading to more unknown scars. I take off my shirt and gag, my entire torso was completely covered in them, and the biggest being on the side of my waist stretching out across the back and front of my chest and back. I tried to go to sleep but couldn't, so I went out and slept near the campfire, watching the sun come up.

1403 Words

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