The real Park Chanyeol was thinking too much. He needs to. He needs to know which is his memories and which is not.

And he did.

And it pained him how much his other self had suffered.

His other self--the one who thought that he lived his--real Chanyeol's--life was suffering from depression and schizophrenia.

The other Chanyeol's Baekhyun was dead. From the accident.

And that was why everything felt so wrong to him. That was why he hesitated when he saw 'Baekhyun'.

Something was wrong with him.

But still, his other self was kind enough to lead him to his real self. To his real body. To his real dimension.

To his dimension where Byun Baekhyun is alive. To his dimension where he is not suffering any serious mental problems.

It's really true when they say that you are your own hero.

He did not know how to feel. He was so sorry. He is so sorry for his other self. As his memories came to his mind, he can't help but feel pity. His other self is suffering a lot.

And here he is, also suffering.

When he finished sorting out his memories, nothing came to his mind. All he see is nothing.


He tried his best to open his eyes to escape the darkness.

And he did. Light came into his vision.

He can only smile painfully--for himself and his other self.

This is my life...


"I-im sorry"

His Baek-hyung broke down on him. Crying. He was crying on his shoulders while hugging him. His touch was not tight--maybe too afraid to hurt him in any way.

He eyed him carefully, thankful that he is alive and hugged him back.


He was having a hard time speaking and he knows it. Baekhyun knows it too. He wiped his tears and apologized countlessly on Chanyeol's ears.

Chanyeol didn't know what to feel. He was happy that he is back, but he is sad that his other self was suffering. But he is more than happy that his hyung was here.

But then again he was sad because of the kidnapping.

He can only cry silently and Baekhyun understands him.

He always do.


It has been months and Chanyeol has been going through therapy to make things better. He was trying to open up.

His scars were gone--and that is because Baekhyun's family is hella rich and can afford the best skin treatment there is.

His Baek-hyung has also informed him that his mother, his real mother,  Yeonha, was alive and is currently in prison.

Baekhyun has been kind enough to inform him of everything he needs to know. He also said that his 'mother', Park Chanhee, is now getting better in a hospital in China and is now being observed.

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