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"Baekhyun, calm down, you just woke up yourself. The doctor said that you should rest for a whi--"

"No! How can I rest knowing that there's some motherfucker that got inside our house and just fucking decided to blow up our south wing?!"

His father sighed. Baekhyun has been like this since he woke up, which was not so long ago, by the way. To say his son is mad is an understatement, his son is furious.

He, himself, doesn't know who and why there's a bombing that happened in their mansion. Being one of the richest family alive, their home is surrounded by a lot of professional body guards and officers.

So, how did it happen?

The man couldn't care less about the expense he's gonna spend on re-fixing the entire south wing but he does care for the well being of his son and his boyfriend.

He knows? Of course he knows. And he doesn't really care. As long as his son is happy, he is happy.

Anyways, going back, how can a bomber find their way inside their house? If its an outsider, he or she will be scanned from head to toe before actually entering the gates.

So how?

He kept on thinking about all the possibilities. He can't wait for the actual report of investigation he made his butler do. He looked at his son once more. Seeing him all pained like this, as a father, it hurts him too. He even made sure to do the best for the birthday party he was planning to do and he did, it was a nice party.


Oh shoot.

He stood up and went outside.

"Sehun, I need a list of the attendees of the party."

His son's bestfriend quickly agreed. He ended the call and called another person, his butler.

"Sebastian, investigate every person in the party earlier. I want full details and report. Narrow the findings and find out who the bomber is."

"Yes, my lord."

Whoever did this is smart, he admits it. Having this planned and all.

Too bad he's smarter, though.



"Have you already finished executing plan A?" One authoritive voice asked and heard multiple 'yes, ma'am' in return. She smirked, time for part two of her plan.

Time to make them pay for hurting me

"Ma'am we already captured the boy!"

She smiled wickedly. Oh, she is sooo getting her revenge.


"Idiot, you need to rest. Your father is already doing his work."

Sehun frowned at Baekhyun. Why is he so stubborn? He had no idea. Why can't he just heal properly?

"I can't!"

"You can."

"There's something wrong."

"Then tell the doctors. I'm sure they'll fix it for you." He shrugged.

"No, not that. I feel like there's something wrong...missing."

Sehun stared at Baekhyun. What was he talking about? Everything's perfectly fine minus the fact that they have been bombed.

"Maybe you're just hungry. Wait here I'll get you food and maybe I can finally be at pea--" he didn't get to finish what he's going to say as Sena walked in the room, running.

Sehun looked at his sister and his eyes widened as he looked at her bloody and bruised figure. She ran towards her brother and cried.

"S-sehun, they're trying to k-kidnap us! I-i managed to...run but they, t-they got him!"


"I-i was visiting and d-decided to go to C-chanyeol first but there are a l-lot of masked men and t-they were g-getting him that's why I shouted and they w-wanted to g-get me too!"

What the hell is happening? He was about to say something but Baekhyun immediately shouted at him, at them.

"They got Chanyeol?! Where's the officers that we deplo--" the door opened and there stood Baekhyun's father with his butler, Sebastian.

"Young master, I know where Chanyeol is. I decided to put some tracking device on his clothes when I got here earlier to confirm and support my suspicions."

"Then what are you doing here?! Go find him!"

Baekhyun was losing it. Why is everything so wrong? All he wanted was to be happy with Chanyeol. All he wanted to do was to protect him and yet, here he is, inside a hospital, doing nothing with several wires connected to him.

He grunted. He knew whoever is behind this is thinking. The mastermind is kinda smart knowing that they really targeted their location on the party, leaving the both of them, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, to suffer while others have minor bruises.

"That is what we're going to do, Baekhyun."

He looked at his father with wide eyes..."and no, you can't come with us."

"But I need to go!"

"I said no."

Before he can even say anything, his father already went out, only to be followed by his butler and Sehun. His father doesn't want him to come with them because he knows that he would only get in the way if the mastermind behind all this is who he think it is.

He cannot risk anything.


"Oh? You guys are already here? Faster than I expected."

She smiled as she pulled the hair of the precious boy she just kidnapped several hours ago, pointing a gun on his head.


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