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After a year, Chanyeol was finally discharged from the hospital. His wounds were now nowhere to be found, knowing that Chairman Byun really went all out and hired the best dermatologists to take care of his skin and his body was now healthy.

He looks so well now. His hair is slightly longer than before and he also grew taller. He looks...well, fine. Very fine. Too bad though, he only looks like he's fine but in reality, he's far from fine.

Chanyeol shut his eyes as he stood in front of the mansion that held too many memories to him. All the happy moments with his Baek-hyung, all the lovey-dovey moments with his Baek-hyung and all his helping moments with the staff.

He breathed slowly. 'I don't know what I'll do if Baek-hyung is here.' He thought.

For the past year, he had been silent. Literally. He didn't talk to anyone, not even Baekhyun--well that's because he damaged his vocal cords but now, the doctor said that it has already been repaired and he can speak again.

Yet, he still didn't talk to anyone.

He felt bad. Really really bad. His Baek-hyung has been there for him for the past year, giving him food, bringing him movies and comics so that he wouldn't be bored at the hospital and taking care of him.

He didn't know why he pushed him away. He just felt like he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve his Baek-hyung's kindness. He didn't deserve his love.

All he did was be dramatic and even push him away. Why did he stay? It was a question Chanyeol, himself couldn't answer. He didn't know why, but when he came to his senses after several therapies, he felt more and more like shit.

His Baek-hyung didn't deserve what he just did to him and yet, there he was, taking care of him everyday.

Why must he be so kind?

He walked silently towards his room and opened the lights. Nothing changed. Everything is still the same. It's not dirty nor dusty. He's guessing that the maids did their jobs.

He placed his things on his bed and decided to take a walk on the northern garden. It's really nice there. The flowers and the wind would always calm him down.

Yet what he saw on the northern garden didn't calm him down--it hurt him.

It was his Baek-hyung and a girl, a pretty girl to be exact. He didn't know her.

She must be the one that he loves now...

He watched as the girl hit his Baek-hyung's head yet, instead of being angry, he just laughed. Byun Baekhyun laughed. It has been so long since Chanyeol heard him laugh--and that's because he would only quietly place his food and check on him everyday. His Baek-hyung knew that he didn't want to talk and he didn't push him. He gave him what he wanted.

Am I too late now...???

Unknowingly, a tear rolled down his cheeks. Why was he crying? This is his fault. He was about to leave but the girl with his Baek-hyung saw him and pointed him, making Baekhyun turn his head too and see him.

Baekhyun stood up. Chanyeol ran. He didn't want to see his Baek-hyung happy with anyone else. Selfish, but his Baek-hyung only belongs to him.

But does he know? That was the question lingering in his mind. Does he know that he is still mine? After all those things? After I push him away every single day? After I disregard his efforts?

He went inside his room and locked the door. He went to his bed and cried. Why was he crying? This is his fault!

Chanyeol didn't heard the aggressive knocking on his door. He kept on crying. He also didn't heard Baekhyun picking the lock and making his way inside.

When Dream--Baekhyun's friend who claims that he is stupid for giving up on Chanyeol and a self-proclaimed BaekYeol shipper--pointed behind him, he saw the love of his life, crying, because of him. Without any words, he ran after him so here he is, inside his room, watching as his lover face the pillow as he cry silently to himself.

Baekhyun's heart ached. He's crying again. And it's because of him. Again.

With Dream's words still lingering in his mind, he sat down on Chanyeol's bed and hugged him. When Chanyeol felt that someone was hugging him, he froze. Literally. Is a ghost hugging me? He shook his head. No, it can't be.

He turned his head and saw that it was his Baek-hyung hugging him dearly. Like he ws going to disappear the moment he lets go of him.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled on his neck. "I'm really really sorrry, please don't cry now. Don't cry because of me. It hurts."

Chanyeol didn't know why but he only cried harder as he heard his voice.

"B-baek...hyung...." his voice cracked. Baekhyun's eyes widened. After a year of not talking, his baby brother's first word was his name? He didn't know why but he felt pride. He felt happy.

"Shhh, calm down. It's okay." He hugged him tighter.

His touch was warm, really warm. And his body was cold. Cold from the lack of everything a human needs. It was a perfect combination--like they were made just for each other.

His voice was calming him down. After several more minutes of him crying, he finally stopped. But his Baek-hyung didn't let go of him.

"Are you fine now?", he asked. He looked at his swelling eyes and wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I'm going to get you some water." He was about to stand up but Chanyeol held him. Tight.

"Don't go...please."

He saw his Baek-hyung's eyes softened. "I'm not leaving you. Not now, not anytime soon."

His words felt real. He liked it. He liked it here. He really liked it how his Baek-hyung can calm him down and make him feel loved.

"I-i...love you, Baek-hyung. Please don't leave me." He cried out. Baekhyun hugged him and once he let go of the hug, he actually kissed him.

"I'll never leave you. I love you, you know that. I'm not leaving you just because you need to fix yourself." He smiled at him. He was really an angel personified.

Chanyeol smiled as he kissed him, catching Baekhyun in surprise. But he gladly kissed his baby brother back.

And he woke up.

Baby Brother • BaekYeolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ