The Deal

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  Dean's forest green eyes glittered in the kerosene lamp's dim glow, and he yawned at the figure in front of him. "I don't care about the 'rules and regulations' crap as long as the deal is the same. Sam stays safe, I sell you my soul and die in ten years. Deal?"

The dark shadow shook it's head, "Due to the system and delicate specifics of this case, the agreement must be that you will die in three years instead of the original ten. Unless-" The roiling form that seemed to be made up of black soil and the velvet cloak of midnight, cut off the human's protests, "Unless you manage to freely give something of great value to you without expecting anything in return. Only then could you be free."

The demonic whirl gazed upon the man who dared risk so much for his brethren. He had a smattering of freckles on his tanned face, and, though young and no more than twenty years of age, it was weather beaten. He had sandy brown hair and a rugged voice that sounded used to making hard bargains. His eyes shone brighter than polished silver in the moonlight even though the room was lit with only a flickering lamp. The demon found the man admirable, and almost felt wistful as the man surveyed his form without being able to meet his eyes.

"Good enough." The man finally replied. "I guess we need to seal the deal now?" He seemed a bit awkward, but not at all shy, and raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"Yes, a kiss is the customary tradition for such cases." He didn't understand the man's skepticism.

"You have no body." That would explain it.

"I do not need a body, I have mass as this swirling shadow. If necessary I could also take the shape of a human, such as you. Would you like to proceed, or do you wish to back out? It would be completely understandable."

The man shook his head, "No, we're doing this." He stepped forward, closing his eyes.

The kiss was over in a moment. Soft, delicate, and in any other circumstances could've been sweet. Dean backed away, and though he tried to hide it, the demon knew his hands were shaking.

"My work here is done. Good day, I'll be seeing you."

The ball of smoke dissipated, leaving only a small, inky feather in it's place.


Isn't a little soul-selling the best way to start a book? It's not? Oh well. Dean should be fine for a little while.

Sorry it was short!

Keep your souls, lil' hoomans!

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