Chapter 5. New 'friend'

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Seeing as both of the last chapters ended in Harry passing out, this one will not. Yay! This will hopefully be the last one where he wakes up. So, sorry about that and I hope you enjoy. This chapter is basically filler since i have like, no idea what to do right now. Im basically writing up here as i go and so far it just sucks majorly. I won't erase any of this, but god am i out of ideas. Okay got it back on track. This is a mixture of past and present tense and i don't know how to fix it sooo, oops. So I know Harry is an adult but he is in an 11 year old body and has trauma from his past life and this one so he is going to act kinda childish. He doesn't see it though as he is an eleven year old with an adult's traumatized brain so sorry if he seems childish to you.

'thought/sign language'

Harry jumps up covered in sweat and tears running down his face. Nightmares, unfortunately, were a common occurrence even in his past life; they usually were about the war and watching so many people die because of him. Harry looks around the strange room he was in, his wings, tail, and ears out on full display. The room was mostly white with cream accents, making him come to the conclusion he was in a hospital room. Slowly getting up, Harry walks to the middle of the room and stretches his wings, bringing them to their full length of 10 feet. Then a goblin walks in and tells him," Ragnok requires your presence." Harry nods, following the goblin out of the room and down the hall. Once again, stopping outside of the room, Ragnok calls for him to come in, Harry obliges and steps in, sitting down in a chair.

"How are you feeling harry?" asks Ragnok, Harry signs, ' Much better, thank you sir'. "Good. Now, what would you like to do about your vault?" Harry looks down and thinks about his options. Looking up, Harry signs,' I would like the money returned to me with interest. Can we also go to my vault?' Ragnok nods. Harry is then led to his vault and is given a bottomless bag by Ragnok, Harry politely nods at him and grabs as much as he feels like he needs for his shopping trip later this week. Once done, they make their way back to Ragnok office. Harry asks,' Is there a way to get to one of my estates quickly?' "Yes there is a way. You can use a portkey to get to a manor of your choice. Would you like a portkey now?" Harry nods, Ragnok grabs a portkey out of his desk and sets it down.

" Think of the place you would like to go to since you can't speak." Harry grabs the portkey and thinks of Potter Manor. He's suddenly thrown into a gravel driveway without care, getting up, Harry notices how BIG the manor is, 'I wonder how much bigger than Draco's his is? Wait, Draco? When did I start calling him that, and why am I thinking of him?' shaking his head, Harry heads inside the house, he jumps when he hears multiple pops behind him," Master Harry! You're finally here! We've been waiting for your arrival since Master and Misses Lily and James left." Harry looks behind him and sees at least 15 house elves. Harry waves hi and signs,'Does anyone here know sign language?' the elf that spoke to him says,"Yes! Misses made sure we knew sign language just in case anything happened!
" Harry sighs fondly, 'Of course mom would do that. I wish I met her, she sounds so kind.' Harry looks at the elf and asks for their names."Of course, my name is Tibby, the chef is Gerald, the gardener is Tulip-" she continued naming all of the elves for him, each one raising their hand when their name was called. After naming all of the elves, Harry asks for lunch,"of course, i'll get right on that" replied Gerald. Harry is then led up to his room to unpack and get settled in before lunch. His lunch is brought to him and he eats it quickly, wanting to sleep as the day has been very tiring. When Harry wakes up, he goes to his walk-in closet and grabs his best fitting clothes, the still being three sizes too big, and somehow (author) calls an elf to bring him to Diagon Alley. He thanks the elf and makes his way into Madam Walkins, he hears a woman call "Just a minute!" Harry looks around the shop and spots a particular blonde, for some reason, the shop smells amazing. Harry wonders if Madam Walkins used some magic to make it smell like this.

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