It had been nearly three weeks since Genesis disappeared, and Kris had finally become numb. She went through the motions of everyday life, but she wasn't really there. She had locked part of herself away just so she could function. She couldn't think about the possibilities. The times that she did usually ended with her tears. She knew Zack hated seeing them, and the rest of her friends didn't care for them either, so she did her best to not let them know how hollow she felt. She hated that even Angeal and Sephiroth seemed to walk on eggshells around her. No matter how hard she tried to reassure them that she wouldn't break, they still were careful not to mention anything about the missing man around her.


Zack was standing in Angeal's office, staring at the thing in his hands with revulsion and shock. He couldn't make sense of it, even after Angeal explained again. It was impossible. As much as Genesis pissed him off sometimes, Zack knew there was no way he would die and leave Kris behind. The man was too damn stubborn. And yet, he was holding what had once been the Commander's prized duster. It was ragged and ripped across the back, and there were splashes of blood across it. The rusted brown splotches stood out starkly compared to the red parts that weren't covered in grime.

He swallowed and looked up at Angeal. "I can't believe this. 'Geal, are you sure?"

Angeal sighed and rubbed his hand down his face roughly. He had to swallow before he could respond. "They didn't find his body, so there is still hope, but it doesn't look good. Given the... mess they found near that, they have decided to declare him KIA. I convinced them to wait until tomorrow for the official release. We can tell Kris first."

Zack sat down hard and felt lost. He could tell that this news was hard for Angeal as well, but it would kill Kris. She was always genial with most people, but she didn't let many close. She hadn't told him, but he knew she loved Genesis. She was already a shadow of who she used to be. He wanted to cry for the first time since he was a boy. He had no idea how to tell her in a way that wouldn't shatter her.

Angeal stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder. They stood like that for several moments before his mentor cleared his throat. "She should be done with her current classes soon. Let's go before she leaves for lunch."

Zack looked up with a touch of fear. "Should we tell her here?"

Angeal sighed. He had a feeling it wouldn't matter. Her reaction was not likely to be pretty. "If worse comes to worst, we are closer to the infirmary here. She's still a Shinra employee, even if it is part-time."

Zack stood in a rush. "The infirmary?"

Angeal wasn't sure that it would be that bad, but he was always a proponent of being best prepared. Plus, he had something to give her as well, and although he hadn't looked into the package, he had a suspicion that it would not help her mindset. He clapped Zack's shoulder again. "Just a precaution." Zack still didn't look convinced, but he clenched the tattered leather in his fists and followed Angeal out and to the classroom where Kris was teaching.

They got there before she was finished, but Angeal wanted to get it over with. He called out and got her attention before he dismissed the Soldiers and told them to pass on the word that classes would be canceled for the rest of the day. Kris gave him a sharp glance at that but didn't comment. The Soldiers all gave him curious looks as they filed out. Some of them glanced back to their instructor with pitying looks that she thankfully missed. They all knew she had been dating Commander Rhapsodos, and given Commander Hewely's grim face, they knew what was coming.

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