Genesis wasn't much better. If he had to be gone for more than a week, he was grumpy until he made it back. Kris sometimes wondered if part of his irritation stemmed from being away from her. She couldn't deny that the thought felt good, but she tried not to focus on it, and she never asked him to confirm. At least he was usually in a much better mood after he was back for a day.

Spring was already well on its way to summer, and Kris wasn't sure how time had passed so quickly. There had been several times that Genesis had asked her about her continued use of pants and long sleeves as the weather warmed, but she always changed the subject. Her reasoning was at the heart of her personal struggle, and she had no desire to get into it, especially not with him. She was just glad he didn't push. She was also glad that he seemed to like her in pants, at least if his appreciative glances were anything to go by. It wasn't like he tried to hide them.

Kris wasn't sure if it was the season change or not, but the Soldiers seemed to be deployed more often. Almost all of her friends, including the two men closest to her, were out of town at the same time. They were on different missions too. Genesis had called her earlier in the day and told her he was on his way back, but he sounded tired. She would be glad when he could rest a little. Angeal and Zack were also on a mission together on the Western Continent. She hadn't heard from her brother for more than a day, and she hoped that meant he was on his way back and not in trouble somewhere. That night, when she went to bed, she tried not to worry about them all, but they were still on her mind when she finally fell asleep.


Genesis sighed as the transport he was in came into sight of the walls of Midgar. It was still the middle of the night, and he was ready for his bed, even if sleep seemed to be eluding him more often in recent days. The war in Wutai was escalating again. None of the Soldiers had been deployed yet, but he knew it was only a matter of time. The Wutainese must have known it as well since there were reports of their spies much closer to home than they had ever dared go before. He was just getting back from one such wild goose chase. Being sent out and not being able to come back with concrete results was even worse than failing. Were the reports all false? Were there still spies at large? Either way, he knew they were likely to get more before everything was settled.

He groaned and shifted to try and find a more comfortable position as they trundled through the quiet city streets. Even if Midgar never slept, there were still hours early in the morning that made the city almost feel like a ghost town. As he shifted, he noticed that they were headed toward Sector 5. He had known that they were headed for the warehouses in that sector, but now, all he could think about was Kristobel.

Their relationship was anything but easy, and he could tell there was something she was keeping from him. However, he still felt like a better version of himself when they were together. He didn't have to fight to hold onto his patience. When they were together, it was easy to be the man she deserved. There always seemed to be a new way that she impressed him. She was strong, fearless, intelligent, and still one of the most beautiful women he had ever known. He chuckled at the thought of his attitude around her as he was reminded that even Angeal had commented on it recently.

When they neared the warehouse complex, an idea came to him that he could not shake off. He knew it was impulsive, but he suddenly had a burning need to see her. The recent missions were frustrating beyond belief, and he knew that even if it were for a moment, being able to see her would soothe that frustration. It might cause others, but those were easier to deal with, especially if they were together. His only real worry was the tongue lashing he was likely to receive for beating on her door and waking her at the ridiculously early hour.

The truck had barely stopped moving before he was out and headed toward the residential area. Some of the men wondered where he was headed, but he waved off the car they had brought for the Soldiers as he walked through the gates. No one bothered asking anything further. He was one of the top-ranked Soldiers, and Sephiroth was the only one that would dare. With the lack of the General's presence, it wasn't something the rest needed to get involved in.

Genesis only paused momentarily at the head of the side street where the Fairs lived. He had already talked to Angeal the day before and knew the Puppy would not be in. He wasn't sure what Kristobel would think of his unexpected visit, but he shook the thought off and headed to the little house. He had no doubt that he would have some trouble to deal with eventually, but seeing her would be worth it.

He froze when he was about twenty feet from the tiny home. He thought he heard screaming and tried to focus on where it was coming from. Several other homes were close enough it could have been coming from any of them. Once he concentrated, he could hear it clearly, and his blood froze in his veins as he recognized Kristobel's voice. He instantly ran the last few feet and was calling out to her. When the only sound that greeted his ears was more of her screams, he didn't think before he took a step back and used his shoulder to break the door in. The lock gave way like paper under his enhanced strength.

Although he had never been in there, he knew exactly where to find her bedroom. Her sobbing and screams led him there within seconds. Her bedroom door was unlocked, but the force of his entrance caused it to bounce when he flung it open. His practiced eye searched the room for her and for whatever it was that had her screaming. It only took him a moment to figure out that she was alone. He knelt by her bed and reached out to try and wake her from what was obviously a terrible nightmare.

"Kristobel, wake up." She cringed away from his touch, and he could finally hear some of what she was saying. She was begging someone to stop. Even though he knew it was a dream, he still felt his temper rise. It did him no good, though, so he tamped down on it and tried to rouse her again. He gently but firmly shook her.

After another moment, she shot up with a final scream. Her eyes were wild as she looked around. She scrambled away from him, and he forced himself to give her space to finish waking, even if her tears were calling for him to soothe her. It only took her a moment to calm enough to recognize him. As soon as she did, she flung herself at him with heaving sobs.

He pulled her close enough that he could stand before he sat on the edge of the bed and cradled her in his lap. Her face was buried in his chest as she tried to calm herself. He tried to help and smoothed her hair down. He felt impotent in the face of her fear.

It was several moments before she calmed enough to speak. She leaned back slightly and looked up to him with a grimace. "I'm not sure why you are here, but I apologize. I have nightmares sometimes."

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Do not apologize for something you have no control over. I'm just glad I decided to come to see you."

She laughed wetly, but it held no real mirth. He shook his head before he stood and lifted her. She gave him a shocked look, but he smirked as he made his way into her living room and deposited her on the couch. He brushed at the still wet tear trails before he stood. "Rest here. I will make you some tea to calm yourself." She nodded absently as he walked away. He could tell that whatever had been haunting her dreams, was still bothering her.

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