(Ram Sweeny) Restart

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"I'm Ram. Ram Sweeney."
"No way, like Sweeney Todd?"
Who's Sweeney Todd? "What?"
"Oh never mind, I'm just a huge Broadway fan. I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N."

"Well, Y/N, do you mind showing me around?" My plan of avoiding her didn't exactly work so I thought I may as well befriend her. Either that or I was just making excuses.

"Sure thing Sweeney Todd," she said, smirking at me. She showed me around and just my luck, I had first lesson with her. I sat next to her since I knew nobody else. Sure, keep telling yourself that. Shut up!

We actually had a pretty decent conversation. I loved hearing her speak, especially her accent. And I know that everyone around here has that accent but there's something special about her. Yeah, it's because you're in love. Can it!

"So how come you just moved here?"
"My dad got some promotion. We kinda just up and left."
"Huh. Do you miss the US?"
"Not as much as I probably should. I guess I hated who I was there y'know."
"I get it. You're lucky, then. You get to restart. I wish I could restart high school, I'd change so much about it."

What she said got me thinking. I'm lucky I got to just restart like this.

"Y'know Ram, we should like totally hang out. It's Friday, wanna come over after school and watch Sweeney Todd?"
"Yeah we like totally should," I responded mimicking the way she said it.

She then smirked at me. "What's one interesting fact about you?"
"Hmm. The three popular girls at my old high school were all named Heather."
"Really? No way!" That made her laugh that cute laugh of hers again.

"Yup. How about you?"
"I have a twin brother and he's like every girl in this school's number one option. I still don't get it to this day but everyone seems to love the fact that he dyed his hair purple."
"Ah yes purple hair, the way to score all the ladies." We both laughed at that.

So he is her brother, good to know. And why would you need to know that? I said shut up!

I spent the rest of the day with her because she was in all of my classes. I even sat with her and her friends at lunch. It was so nice talking to her because it was the first time in a long time that I could just be myself. I guess I was tired of being the person that everyone thought that I was.

After school, I walked to her house with her. As promised, we were going to watch Sweeney Todd.

"You see that house over there that we just passed? That's my place."
"No way! We're literally neighbours. That means we outta hang out more. I'm glad I met you. You're so chill unlike everyone else here who has a stick up their butt." That smile again made my heart race.

"Well I guess you're technically the first person to actually meet me since I've put up a front for as long as I can remember."
"Well then kind sir, pleasure you be the first." She pretended to tip a hat which made me laugh.

We got inside where it was just the two of us because her parents were working and her brother was at a party. She went to a box to fetch something and came back with a tape that said 'Sweeney Todd 1979 Broadway'

"Oh wow we're actually watching this."
"Yep so make yourself comfortable, this bootleg was hard to find," she responded, chuckling.

When it was finished I was speechless. I just said the first thing that came to mind. "I can't believe I made you think of a serial killer." At that, she broke into hysterical laughter.

"It's not my fault you have a dodgy criminal vibe," she said between laughs.


When I said that, I don't know what reaction I was expecting but I sure as hell was not expecting him to look at me with a wide smirk on his face. What, was he actually a serial killer? Maybe he was Sweeney Todd this whole time.

"Oh no Y/N, if anyone's the criminal here it's you." That really confused me but I just kinda played along.
"Oh yeah? What crime did I commit?" He moved a little closer to me and said, "Theft." I was even more confused now.
"And what did I steal?" He now moved so close to me that I could feel his breath.
"My heart," he said just above a whisper but we were so close to each other that I definitely heard it.

We were like that for about two seconds just occasionally glancing at each other's lips before I took initiative and kissed him. The kiss was deep but not heated. I felt like it was the perfect kiss but it only lasted a little while before Ram frantically pulled away.

"What did I just do? Oh my gosh I'm acting like my old self!"
I pulled him into a hug. "Hey, it's okay Ram. I like you. And if you're scared to move too fast it's okay. We don't need to rush anything. I don't want to ruin your restart plans. It's okay Sweeney I get it."
"What did I do to meet someone like you?"
"I know, I'm pretty cool, right?" That made him chuckle a bit.

I kissed him on the cheek and then we went back to my couch. We watched a couple of bad action movies. I heard him say, "I think I can restart with you by my side." I smiled and fell asleep on the couch with him.

A/N: Hope you liked it😆

Q: What's your dream role?
My answer: Eponine or a female Squip.


DEH, BMC, Heathers x Fem!reader oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ