Chapter 29: The Plague of Darkness

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Fighting Ardyn one on one was difficult, even impossible to deal with. However, when he had lots of his friends to come help him, it was as if fate did not do him a favor. The reason why he only survived his duel with him five years ago was that Cloud saved him along with Lucis' forces. Now he had come to a realization that life was indeed unfair. After the Citadel exploded, he could not see anything but pure dust and faint figures around who showed no movement. He kept himself avoiding Ardyn's attack, ducking and warping away and dodging every strike. He could not bring himself to counter him yet; he had to find a hole to bring the red head down in an instant. He was just waiting for the right opportunity, especially now that Ardyn literally freezed the others so that it may be only the two of them fighting each other.

     "Aren't so sure of what to do now, are you?" Ardyn mocked. "Come on, Crown King! Stop trying to act all so weak. Consider this as an honor to fight your ancestor's brother!"

     His ancestor. The name of Somnus Lucis Caelum leaving Ardyn's lips was very clear to him. He could not even think clearly, whether he should believe Ardyn. What if he was all doing this just to lure Noctis into his trap? After all, Ardyn had done a lot of things that lead everything into trouble. He was not going to fall for him again. But then. . . if Ardyn really were Somnus' brother, and if his true name really were Ardyn Lucis Caelum, why would he ever plan on destroying the only thing tied to him?

     A scream resounded, causing Noctis to hold tight of his sword as he squinted to find where it came from, the dusts of wind making him look around frantically. And he was right; he heard a slash and spurt—he feared it was blood—and that it was one of his glaives. "NO!"

     Ardyn's laugh became louder. Noctis winced; it felt like Ardyn was just right behind him so he slashed his sword around, but all he heard was a whooshing sound. He spun and spun and he felt angered that he could not grasp anything. The storm was hindering him from seeing and touching anything, that it felt like he was back there in Niflheim's headquarters, wandering in the darkness as he heard Ravus' voice chuckling around, however this was so much worse. Ardyn was doing a similar trick on him—only now that he was here in his own kingdom.

     Another scream sent a ringing to his ears—louder and more in pain—he thought he heard his name being called. His eyes widened as he spun, hearing a thud just a little near to his feet causing him to jump back. "No. . ." His eyes narrowed, exhaling sharply, catching a glimpse of the faint shadow of the body lying on the ground. He ran towards it and crouched down; he wanted to scream but he couldn't. His voice was more hoarse than ever as he scrambled to his feet, gritting his teeth and his eyebrows knitting before turning away from Cor's lifeless body. "ARDYN! STOP IT!" he screamed as he heard the spurting of blood. "DON'T GODDAMN DRAG THEM INTO THIS—" more screams and groans "—NO—QUIT THE HELL OUT OF IT!"

     There was nothing else that talked back but Ardyn's wicked laughter mixing with the storm, drowning out what Noctis could hear were more screams—they were all being slaughtered by Ardyn and Noctis couldn't do anything. He was helpless, enraged and grieved, the faint thuds of bodies making the blood boil inside him.

     They were dying. His own people were dying, and he was just right there, not being able to anything to stop Ardyn.

     The sword vanished, his hands balling into fists. "Why. . . Why would you—how could. . ." he gritted his teeth. "HOW COULD YOU KILL WHAT'S LEFT IN YOU?!"

     Ardyn's laugh died down in an instant, but the storm continued to rage on.

     Ardyn's voice could still be heard, the menace and hatred present in his tone in spite of it being distant. "Tch. Do you really think that Somnus would care what is left in me?" The winds slowly decreased and became weaker. He could make out a silhouette standing not too far from him. "I have learnt to embrace myself. . . I have learnt to accept what I contain. Starscourge. Darkness. Everything you and your ancestors have grown to hate. That is why I gained the favor of the Astrals, because I chose to embrace what I first despised."

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