Chapter 23: Pretenses

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Long chapter ahead! Please read at your own risk !!!


"I miss you so bad." —was the first thing you said as soon as the two of you pulled away. You were overwhelmed with happiness that you couldn't contain that bursting bubble of euphoria inside you when you looked into Noctis' glistening orbs, where wrinkles had started to form at the corner his eyes. Indeed it was real, this wasn't a dream. He's now with you. You're now with him.

To make things certain, you pulled him close to you again, hugging him tighter before letting go so you could assure he's actually there, that this wasn't just some kind of illusion. Until now he was staring at you, a look that bore no burning lust, instead of pure love and joy.

"I miss you too, love," he told you as he placed strands of your hair behind your ear. "I . . . I never thought I'd finally get to you. It's been so long!" He sighed. "I knew it. I shouldn't have let you go with them. I've felt something bad at the start and yet I still let you. This is all my fault, (Y/N) I, I'm so sorry—"

"No, Noctis. Don't be," you cut him off. "This was my decision. And it's also my duty as a glaive. I knew because you would understand."

"I do. I'm just worried for you." He shook his head, taking a deep breath before glancing behind your shoulder. Brows raised, he walked past you after cupping your cheeks that made your heart thump.

You followed Noctis' pace. He was approaching Cloud, who wasn't that much giving any basic expression. After all, Cloud Strife had always been the stone faced guy, and yet on the other hand, you knew his heart was soft. You watched Noctis lend out a hand, in which Cloud gratefully returned the gesture, their hands shaking a few times before letting go. "Thank you, Cloud. For not leaving (Y/N) and staying by her side. I owe you everything." Noctis spoke.

Cloud's lips part to speak and yet you weren't able to listen in to their conversation anymore because you felt a hand placed on your shoulder. You turned to see Lunafreya who was giving you a soft smile. And so you placed your hand on top of hers, bowing your head slightly. "Pleased to come across you again, dear Priestess. I'm glad Noctis has found you, anyhow I'm still confused of how you two were able to get here."

"Enough with the formalities, (Y/N). You and I know that we've known each other for a very long time," she chuckled softly, causing you to avert your gaze for a while out of embarrassment. She looked around the forest and lifted her head up, studying countless glinting stars scattered across the deep ocean sky.  "Although, it's a long story. If you don't mind, let us stay the night and wait for us to be brought to another realm, yes?"

"Sure," you nodded. "How are you though? The Labyrinth surely did nothing good to both of you."

"Well, that's something that's merely inevitable."

       As soon as the four of you were plopped down on the soft grass, you decided to at least intertwine your fingers with Noctis and to not do anything that looked as if you were cuddling to give Luna and Cloud some respect. Both of them deserved it and it would only send discomfort, especially to Cloud particularly because of his confession to you earlier. You didn't want to think too much about it at first because you only felt guilty, partly due to the fact you were already with Noctis for a long time. But when Noctis showed up, finding you, you were now certain of what you sorted out. You only cared for Cloud as a friend that you worried about his well-being and where he should be right now.

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