Chapter 10: The Physician's Cure

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"Whoa, I bet this place doesn't worry about competing. There aren't any repair shops even miles around." Seth looked out the window as the rover halted. You looked out the window to see a compound of various shops with one gasoline station at the center.

"Seems like this is the place Nyx is telling you." A small screen showing the countryside's map emerged coming from Ether's digital wristwatch.

You nodded. "Nyx also said we'll meet someone here. Let's go."

All of you went out the rover, the scent of grease and iron oxide. There weren't any other vehicles parked in Hammerhead, maybe because this was far away from the city. Only few drifters have dared to travel due to monsters stocked in the woods nearby.

"It's so quiet," Cayla whispered behind you. You studied the shops. Somehow you could see a few people inside.

"Parked to refill your tank customers?"

You turned around to see a woman with short, curly blonde hair wearing a cap. You slightly shifted uncomfortably when you glanced at her revealing clothes. "No, our tank's full."

"Then what are you here for? The other shops are closed." She tilted her head. "I'm Cindy by the way. Pleased to meet you!"

"I'm Cayla." Cayla gave the blonde a smile and received a handshake from Cindy.

"Seth." He kept his arms crossed.

"Ether." The female sent her a nod.


Cindy looked at her, arching an eyebrow before breaking into a soft giggle and scanning him from head to toe. "You look fine, Star!—I mean, Cloud," she surprisingly she sent him a wink, "but don't take that seriously. This lil' ol' grease-monkey's granddaughter just loves to do the compliment!"

To prevent awkwardness rising, you decide to introduce yourself as well. "I'm (Y/N). Sorry to bother you. We're not here to buy or let you repair anything for us. We just wanna know some . . . information."

"Information?" Cindy repeated. All eyes were now set on her. You waited for her to reply. Then her face hardened, a small sigh escaping her lips as it bent to a tiny frown. "This is another interrogation, isn't it?. . . Follow me, then."

You looked confusingly at Ether who returned the same expression.

"Well, what are waiting for?" Seth squared his shoulders clearly to show he didn't like this idea. But everyone had no choice. No one even had any clue where to start. This was the only way possible.

You jogged after Cindy who was now outside something like a shop of gears and tools. What's to do with the information we'll get? you thought, following Cindy into the shop. As she pushed the glass door open, the sound of wind chimes echoed in the hot air. You entered, and soon the rest were inside.

The inside wasn't that big. Just a few racks that held various kinds of tools for mechanics, automotive and electronics on either side and a cashier table at the middle. You initially thought the shop was empty since there weren't any people around aside from you and the others, but then an old man emerged behind the table. Perhaps he had been doing something under with his knees bent down that's why he couldn't be seen.

"Mornin' pops!" Cindy exclaimed.

The gray haired man smiled. "Ah, these are customers dear?"

A frown formed in Cindy's lips. "Nope. They're here to ask infos about something."

"Oh." Cindy's grandfather frowned, dusting his cargo pants off and taking off his cap. He got off the high chair and bowed down to us. "If that's the case, I guess these went all the way from Insomnia."

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