#5: Confrontation

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I sighed once I took one last look on the tombstone.

Mum...Dad...Rest in Peace.

Just as I lost myself further in my thoughts I was suddenly interrupted by moans and grunts in my surroundings and I turned towards the noise, seeing a horde of zombies approach.

"Shit! Give me a break!"

I slowly backed up until I turned around and saw another horde approach me.

I was surrounded.

Then to my right, there was an opening, so I took off and jumped over another tombstone, trying to gain some distance.

Then I almost tripped over something that was lying on the floor. A fence post? What is this doing here?

Acting immediately I took it and used it to defend myself. The first zombie that dared to come near me got hit by the sharp end of it and I got dizzly easily. This thing is heavy...

They were coming near me and I backed away in fear...

"Stay back!"

I collapsed on the floor and dropped the fence post, while the zombies came even closer...

Is this...the end?


Arriving at the graveyard I was immediately greeted with the scene, that I already predicted.

I saw her defending herself against the crowd of zombies until she fell backwards.

No! I can't let this happen.

I rushed to her and rammed the zombie out of her way, saving her. She looked at me in surprise and I turned to her, approaching her shocked state.

"Come on! We have to go!"

Fear was evident in her eyes. She wasn't sure what to do but I was certain.

I have to protect her...even if it's against her will.

So I picked her up in my arms and quickly brought her towards my motorcycle, sitting her down on it before I got in the driver's seat.

"Hang on tight!"

And then I took off, driving away from the scene.


Why? Why did he save me? I don't understand...He's like them. He's a fucking zombie...

Who is he? What does he want from me? Why is he so obsessed with me?

Nearly losing balance because of his sudden take-off I instinctively held onto his waist, so I wouldn't fall and I closed my eyes, letting the world pass me by.


As I felt her arms around my waist I widened my eyes...somehow this feeling makes me...blush. I wouldn't expect her to do this after everything that has happened until now. 

I don't want this to disappear. For the first time I felt...at peace. Having someone like her around me made me feel alive. But...now I know that I can't make it happen. Her hostility towards me makes it impossible...

I guess...I have to try one last thing...If this won't work, then everything will be over...


I heard the motor-cycle screech into a halt and I gasped as I felt him pick me up again and rushing into the house and ramming the door shut before he brought me to the familiar room and sat me down gently, taking a knee before me.

"Stay here...please. You have to trust me this one time..."

I could only nod because of my confused state. My mind was going woozy and I couldn't make any logical conclusion about this whole mess. I nearly died...

Undead Conscience (LTU Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora