#4 (Ryder): Investigation

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I emerged from the side of the house this girl appeared to live in.

I know what I am planning to do is wrong...but I have no choice.

I need to find something, that could change her mind. Something really important to her.

If words do nothing, then something else has to do...

I opened the door and closed it behind me, searching for something useful.

One door was left a bit open, which caught my attention, so I entered the room behind the door and found myself in a small room painted in a slightly pinkish color...

This must be her room...

On the walls I could see various pictures, where I was finding the girl from before accompanied by two persons behind her. Probably her parents...

One other picture with her looking younger and standing infront of her parents with glimpses of joy on her face and another one, where she holds a diploma in her hands.

She must have finished school before all this...

On a desk nearby I spotted something, that looked like a book. It looked like time has caught it and this made me curious.

So I picked the book up and opened it, flipping through the pages until I saw something hand-written.

Dear Diary, 

Daddy bought me this book for my 16th birthday, so I could use it to write down the most important things or what I think is too special to forget. He's so nice to me. Now I can bring my thoughts to paper and it's awesome. 

For now there is nothing special but I'm sure that I'll be writing really good stuff in here soon.

It's a diary! This could be useful...maybe I can find something important in here but...

That's wrong...I shouldn't snoop around in other people's privacies...but what choice do I have? Sometimes you need to be deviant and act what you think matters the most...

I flipped the pages and saw another entry.

Dear Diary,

School sucks! I'm only getting bullied in my class because they think I'm weird. Weird for being a loner. I don't actually need many friends but they're so not happy with it. The teachers are giving us homework after homework and it's so stressful. I wish I wouldn't have to go to school...but even if I'm still 16 I have to...or else my life will be really miserable in the future, my mum says...

What if I don't care about living a miserable life? What do I have to lose? If everyone hates me, then why bother?

Poor thing...I knew that she was special in some way the first time I saw her. Noone liked her and this hurts me. If only I had been there, maybe she wouldn't be like she is now...

Next page...

Hmm, strange. On the next page there were only drawings. This one seemed about her and someone else. The person was looking at her evilly and she was mad. Maybe she was bullied again?

Flipping the pages I decided to skip the most stuff including drawings because words say more than pictures.

Then finally I found some text again.

Dear Diary,

I'm getting older. Soon I'll be able to leave this school and live a life like a normal adult. Oh, I can't wait to make my own decisions. I hope Mum and Dad will support me on the way. And I hope my grades aren't bad.

Next one...

Dear Diary,

YEEEEEAH! I finished school. I can finally do what I want with noone interfering. Now let's take over the world! Nah...just kidding. I'll probably start to find a job soon. Might need it in the future.

Can't believe I made it this far without friends...I guess I was born to be a loner. Oh well, maybe someday I'll meet someone. Only time will tell and I won't give my hopes up.

Such a spirited little one. I wonder what caused her entire life to change into the negative...Maybe I'll find out if I keep reading...

Dear Diary,

Fuck...I can't believe it. It's not true. It's not happening. No...NO!

My mum and dad didn't just die in my own home with me running away because they told me to.

SHIT! I knew that this virus "Necroa" was dangerous but that it would escalate this quickly...

And then this fucking zombie looking at me like he would care about me. It's his fault. He's the one who killed my parents. Even if he wasn't directly involved with it, he ordered them to kill them. 

Fuck...Mum...Dad....I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left...I should have stayed...

Gosh...I was such a bitch...

It hurts so much...I'm all alone now...

Oh no...She really is mad at me...She blames me for the death of her parents? That's what broke her life? But...But I didn't do anything...I had nothing to do with it. I only saw her at that window, looking at me despiteful.

But there was one other thing that caught my attention...Necroa...A virus...But what type of virus? Does it have to do with the zombies? With me? I don't know...

Maybe there's more...

Dear Diary,

I keep having those nightmares after escaping the attack. Mum and Dad...are still gone and I can't forget them. All this time I'm waking up with the same glare on my face. It's as if something was amputated from me...It hurts...but I know that I can't mourn now...I have to get out of here.

Went to an abandoned supermarket today and found some good loot for the next days. Phew, I'm glad to find any food here. The last thing I would want is die in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.

I swear, if that zombie dude shows up again, I'll kill him. This gun I found will be for him...

This sent shivers down my spine...She really hates me that much, doesn't she?

Phew...now I'm really glad for taking her gun. This should make things easier for me...and for her. Not that shooting me would change anything...

Wait a minute...There's more.

Fucking zombie found me and tied me up in his dull house. But thanks to my skills I managed to escape. Well...at the cost of my gun...fuck...

I'll be going to the graveyard now to visit my parents grave. Maybe they can help me find a way out of this mess. Maybe they even know, what the heck I should do with that zombie dude...

I hope I'll find the answers I'm looking for...

A graveyard...So that's where she's headed. I looked out the window and saw the sun settling down. That means...

I quickly jumped up and realized. When I don't get there in time, she'll get in danger.

I took the diary and put it into my pocket, rushing out the house and starting my motorcycle, heading towards my new destination.

I have to get there...before it's too late...

The zombies will find her if I don't hurry...

Undead Conscience (LTU Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora