#3 (Y/N): Escape

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"Come on..."

I was fidgeting with my hair clipper inside the lock and I was growing more anxious as more time has passed.

What if that zombie dude comes back and sees me escape? Nah...he'll probably just chain me up again and then make sure I won't leave. When I think about what he could do to me...

No way, I gotta get out of here!

Then I gasped, when I heard the click of the lock and the chain around my leg loosened, making it easy to pull off. So I quickly did and picked up my backpack, immediately running out of the house.

Then I heard sounds coming from a motorbike nearby and I quickly hid in an nearby alley, giving my best to keep quiet.

When I peeked around the corner, I saw him again. The zombie dude...

Damnit...He'll notice that I escaped. Maybe I should wait until he comes looking for me.

I waited for him to enter the house and close the door. I kept hidden in the alley and then I heard the door open and his motorcycle starting, finally driving off.

The coast was clear. I decided to follow the fresh tire tracks of his motorcycle.

What's the deal with that dude? Why should I trust him? Why am I even following him?

I don't know where else I should go. Maybe I am supposed to stay with him because of this. But I could never stay with someone like them. I know that'll get me killed.

I soon saw the familiar sign of the supermarket and I saw many corpses of zombies lying around. 

What the fuck happened here?

I slowly approached the entrance and wanted to go in but I decided not to...

I should get home quickly.

I used the supermarket as my orientation to find my way back home.

But the more I followed the path the more I felt like I was being watched.


I soon reached my home and entered it, placing my backpack on the floor and sighing in relief.

Looks like I escaped him. What should I do now?

I went into my room and looked at the mirror, examining my state.

Maybe I should check my bounty for today.

So I grabbed my backpack and pulled out everything I got from the supermarket.

Only the food cans...Nothing else...

And my gun is missing... Right, he took it from me.

Now what should I do? How should I survive out here?

I stood up and saw a picture of my parents standing on a table.

I approached it and sighed.

"Mum...Dad...What should I do?"

The longer I looked at the picture the more I remember about how they died and this made me sad.

"Mum...I'm so sorry..."

I should have never ran away, when Mom told me to. I should have stayed. I could have helped. But instead I left her to die...

It's my fault...

And now this piece of shit comes along and tells me, that he wants to protect me. Yeah, right... I'm protected by someone who probably killed my parents. But I can't prove it...

Ugh, when I keep thinking about him, I can feel my blood boil. I should have killed him, when I had the chance. But now he's got my gun and I got nothing...

Maybe I should try to get my gun back...

Bad idea...He'll probably be back already and then I'm in trouble if I try to get it back.

What should I do?


What would Mom or Dad do?

With that thought in mind I left my home and followed the path to the graveyard.

I know that I can't get any advice from my dead parents but I just have to pay my respect and apologize for what happened. Like I always do...


The breeze from the dead air flew into my nose and I let out an disappointed sigh as I finally reached the graveyard. I always expect this place to be so full and it is...

It's full of many graves and I'm sure that not everyone was able to be buried. I mean, who am I kidding? How would you keep track about managing all this if everyone is dead.

Nonetheless I searched for the grave of my parents, since that's what I'm here for.

It was hard to find it with all those different gravestones around here.

That gave me an idea...Maybe I'll find his gravestone here as well...

I'll be keeping that in mind...

Then I finally caught sight of the grave I was looking for...

Rest in Peace
Family L/N


I approached the grave and kneeled down, feeling the cold material of the gravestone and I looked down to see flowers lying there. But actually I couldn't remember placing these there...

Someone else must have done it because I didn't...

I looked up at the gravestone and my mind filled itself with regret and sorrow before my tears began to fall from themselves.

I left them behind...and they died because of me...

Dieing through the zombies wasn't something I wouldn't want to happen to them...but now it did and it's all my fault.

Y/N! Jump!

What if I hadn't jumped? Would Mum or Dad still be alive?

Would it have made a difference?

I don't know...I...don't know...

I looked at the sky with teary eyes.

"What am I supposed to do now, Mum? What choice do I have? What is my future, dad?"

The only thing I got was silence and I looked down, letting myself consume into my sorrow.

I don't know, what to do anymore...

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