Chapter 2: I Love You

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"Lan Zhan....." His voice trailed off..


"I have something to discuss with you...."

Lan Zhan couldn't predict what was on his mind to ask him such question and he answered while tucking and caressing the latter's hair, "What is it?"

"Lan Zhan........ why........why did you decided to marry me even though knowing all the consequences?? The majority of the cultivation world has disapproved and discouraged this marriage and.....and Lan Qiren was also against it. But he still gave the permission of it by looking at you cause he knows that you can't live without me and in other hand you are one of his favorite disciples of all time." Silent tears were flowing from his swollen eyes to which Lan Zhan wiped it off and let him all out what he had in his mind.

"La-Lan Zhan I-I can't even give you the heir of the Gusu Lan Sect....... what's the point of marrying me Lan Zhan !?!?!" He fiercely grabbed his lover's robe and sobbed in it.

"I always cause trouble for you.... Because of me you have to suffer so much.... those whip scars and th-this brand seal on your chest..... it must have very painful...... Why didn't you let me go that time Lan Zhan... if Mo Xuanyu never summoned me, you would have lived in peace.."

Lan Zhan stared at him hearing those painful word which were stabbing his heart like a knife. His mind was full of thoughts right now. 'Is he regretting being with me??', 'that means he hates me now..', 'he doesn't wants me anymore'.........

"Wei Ying.......Are you regretting being with me....??" Out came the words which Wei Ying never ever would think of doing that. He looked at his stoic, emotionless face but he could clearly see the hurt, pain in his eyes. Just he was about to answer he was cut off by him.

"Wei Ying you know.......... 15 years ago when you died because of Jiang Cheng....since that day I-I tried to find you everywhere. Everyday I played Inquiry to summon your soul and visited almost all the places from where I get hints but came home without any traces of you."


"Brother I'm going out for a night hunt. I'll be home late."

"WangJi are you again going to visit the places to find Young Master Wei's remnants."

He blankly stared at the wooden floor.

"WangJi it's been 6 years since he left us. I'm still unsure that you can able to find any remainings of him. XiChen was worried about his little brother.

"He'll return." and he left...


On the way of his journey, he was passing through a daily market and spotted something which remind him of someone...

Emperor's Smile...

This thing made their first meeting where Wei Ying secrectly tried to bring those inside Cloud Recesses...

He went to every mountain, every city related to The YiLing Patriarch but found none...

He looked up to the sky which was full of stars and the full moon which was lighting up the vicinity and he spoke of only one word like a mantra...

"Wei Ying....."

Until 13 years after he met him....... Like they were destined for each other..

End of Flashback

That time I realised how much I love you Wei Ying..... when you returned, all I could think of is you. I wanted to protect you, I wanted to hide you from everyone so that when anyone comes to hurt you they have to go through me."

This is the first time in his second life that Wei Ying had saw him crying in front of him. That cold face which once showed any emotions but his elder brother could be able to predict what's wrong, he can see that now...

"Lan Zhan........."

"I really love you Wei Ying. You are the world to me. I don't care about what others are saying about us. I just care about us only. I want to protect you because I have fears that we'll be apart again. I married you so that I can protect you, cherish you, care for you and most importantly Love You..."

Wei Ying was on the verge of crying again and he was pulled closer by the older male and made his(WY) face turn towards him.

"I-I don't care what other people ever thinks about us... I don't care.... because this my life and it should be me who would decide whom I should marry or not. I really love you Wei Ying. I don't want anyone else. You've got hurt everytime you tried to help your beloved..... you always said that no one in this world would love me and believe in my words.... well I am here for you, you can tell me anything, I'll believe you, I'll do everything for you."

Wei Ying never said a word. He just listened what Lan Zhan was telling.... the tears were all dried up from his cheeks and he slowly moved closer to the cold figure and caressed his face wiping off the tears.

"Lan Zhan....... *sniff* what would I do without you..... ahh you're soo fuddy duddy..." as he kissed him senselessly to which Lan Zhan kissed him back and they both sank under the silken sheets...

"I don't care of what your title is or what other people judge about you.. But I know that you are person who deserves to be loved and I'll love you till my last breathe. I'll love you as long as you are here with me..."

The End~~


Aahhh yesshhhh after an eternity I completed this. I know that this is another shitty angsty story of me.. BTW stayy saafee and LOBEE U




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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