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"Hey Lisa..." Jennie called Lisa after having an internal battle with herself. It was early in the morning and she saw Somi dropping Lisa off. That would've meant they either went to an early breakfast or Lisa stayed the night at Somi's. When she saw Somi kiss Lisa, not once but twice, her heart dropped. She hated this feeling. She felt it every time she saw another girl get close to Lisa, even before they started sleeping with each other. So many questions ran through her mind. Are Lisa and Somi an item? Are they still sleeping with each other?Was she too late? Why was she so stupid to let Lisa go?

"Jennie? Hello? Are you okay?" Lisa's voice rang through the phone, interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, got distracted," Jennie responded, hoping Lisa didn't hear the sadness in her voice. "Um, are you home? I'm actually by your place and was wondering if you'd wanna have breakfast?"

"Oh. I actually had breakfast already."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, next time then!"

"But if you're close by then feel free to come over. I don't have to go to the dance studio for another few hours. Just make sure you bring me some iced coffee." Lisa responded, thinking she should probably have another talk with Jennie about Somi, considering the morning revelation.

"Yes! Of course, I'll be there in 5."

"Oh, you're really close by..."

"See you soon, Lili."

"How's the dance studio?" Jennie asked.

"Same old, same old. I'm focusing on teaching more and choreographing routines for YouTube."

"Yeah, I've seen your last few videos. They're so good, especially the last routine. You looked really good..." Truth be told, Jennie could not stop watching Lisa's last video, "...and sexy."

"Thanks Jen," Lisa blushed.

"Is Irene unnie still shamelessly flirting with you every time you're at the studio?" Lisa shook her head. Jennie was always jealous of Irene, it was quite amusing.

"What's with everyone hating on Irene's flirting? She's single. I'm..." Lisa began but stopped herself. Was she single?

"Who is Somi in your life?"/ "I need to tell you something," they both said at the same time.

"Somi is a girl I met a few months ago. She was one of my dance students who then became, as you put it at Rosé's birthday, my 'new fuck buddy'," Lisa started, shocked at Jennie's sudden question, but she wanted to be completely honest with the older girl.

"Sorry about that..."

"It is what it is..." Lisa shrugged.

"Are you two still....?" Jennie didn't want to ask, but her curiosity got the best of her especially after what she saw this morning.

"Um...yes and no?" Lisa hesitated.

"Sorry...you don't have to tell me. It's none of my business. Go ahead and tell me what you wanted to tell me," Jennie wanted to change the topic asap.

"I actually was going to tell you about Somi," Lisa confessed, "but you beat me to the punch."

"I saw you two this morning. She kissed you." And there goes Jennie's word vomit.

"Oh. You saw that..." Things were getting a bit awkward.


"She actually wants to be more than friends with benefits," Lisa tried to read Jennie's reaction. "And I'm giving her that chance. She's been a good friend."

There goes Jennie's heart again. She suspected it, but to hear it come from Lisa's mouth was a whole other level.

"So what does that mean for us?"

"We're building our friendship back. It won't affect that," Lisa assured Jennie.

"Right...friendship..." Jennie looked away trying to hold in her tears., but continued talking. "I know you heard me the other night, Lisa. I told you I was going to fight for us. You told me that you are still in love with me. So I want to know...am I getting an equal chance too?"

"Jennie...I told you. I'm choosing my happiness first."

"So being with the person you're in love with isn't happiness? I'm right here..."

"Being with the person you're in love with does not always lead to happiness," Lisa countered, frustration getting the best of her. "You literally just broke up with Kai last week, Jennie..."

"You asked me to do that months ago and now we're here."

"But you didn't. You chose him and broke things off between us."

"It wasn't right to cheat on him."

"It wasn't, but that doesn't change the fact that you ended what we had."

"You avoided me for months."

"Don't do this to me right now. You're here acting like I'm the one who broke your heart. I set you free. You broke my heart and someone else wants to mend it. So I'm letting them."

"Lisa...I feel like we're going in circles. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I chose him before. I was scared. I still am scared. I wasn't ready for my feelings for you."

"And you think you're ready now?"


"Answer me, Jennie."

"I...all I know is that I do love you. I made a mistake by letting you let me go, by letting you go. I made a mistake, okay? I regret it now. I don't want to make the same mistake again. So please Lisa, please let me try. Give me a chance, too," Jennie pleaded.

Before Lisa could say anything else in reply, her phone rang. "I have to take this," Lisa walked away to talk privately.

"They need me at the dance studio. Did you drive here or do you need a ride home?" Lisa came back not wanting to continue the conversation any longer.

"Are you going to give me a ch—" Jennie on the other hand wanted to keep the conversation going.

"Do whatever you want Jennie. Just give me the space I asked for. I'll let you in at my own pace," Lisa said as she started packing her things to leave.

"So I get a chance?" A small smile appeared on Jennie's face. Lisa didn't exactly say no this time.

Author's Note:

I have a tendency to go in circles when writing long stories, LOL but still I'll keep going. Sorry if it's boring, but thank you for reading and supporting 😚


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