"Oh, that reminds me!" Kaede lifted her finger. "How are your plans to get to space going?"

Kaito went silent for a moment. "Uh... I'm getting there."

Maki smiled. "It's going fine. It'll just take a while." Maki sighed. "I'm still trying to find a job I'd enjoy, but working in a daycare, is good enough I guess. I don't like children though."

"But won't you have to raise your own, Maki?" Rantaro cut in. Maki blushed.

"Do you want to die?"

Rantaro laughed. "No, but I think I'll be fine. I'd get to explore the place known as, uh, death." Rantaro tapped the table, resting his cheek on his hand. "Speaking of exploration, I've got a new expedition soon."

"Oh! Where are you going?" Kaede spoke up.

"Well, it's more just a trip to America." Rantaro explained. "Kiyo's coming to see the culture as well. Just, because he wants to." 

"Sounds great!" Kaito exclaimed. Shuichi smiled, as the group continued to banter. He stayed mostly silent, not really having anything to add. "Hey, sidekick, what's with that bag?"

Shuichi perked up. "Huh?" He looked to where Kaito was pointing, seeing the bag he had brought with him. "Oh, right. It's just, something for June 21st. That's all."

"Oh..." Kaede trailed off. "Speaking of that, Shuichi, have you been doing okay?"

Shuichi nodded. "It's been better for me, at least. I've been getting over it." It was true, that he was getting a little better, but it was still hard to get over. His thoughts were interrupted, when the waiter walked over.

"Hey there! You all doing good today?" They said.

"We're doing fine, thank you!" Kaede replied. "Nice sunglasses."

"Thanks!" They said brightly. "Anyways, orders? That's my job, by the way." Kaede laughed, as each of them ordered some type of drink. The guy with sunglasses nodded, finishing writing the last order down. "Alrighty! I'll be right back!" He turned away, and left the group.

Shuichi tapped on the table, very distracted. He wasn't paying attention to the conversation, and was staring at the Remnants. They seemed much better than they had been last year. They've adapted back to their original personalities quite well, and the killing game hadn't seemed to affect them too much. They even appeared to just be a completely normal group of friends.

It did make Shuichi feel a lot better, knowing that they'd been able to help the old Remnants. Hajime glanced at Shuichi, giving him a small wave. Shuichi waved back, then turned his attention back to his friends. "I've been meaning to ask, but what happened to Future Foundation?"

"Not sure." Rantaro replied. "I think they disbanded. There isn't much of a reason for them to exist anymore, is there?"

Shuichi shook his head. "I guess not. That would make a lot of sense."

"Hey Shuichi! Are you seeing anyone yet?" Kaede asked.

Shuichi blinked. "Why...? You ask this me almost everyday."

Kaede huffed. "You can't be single forever, y'know!"

"I think it's because she's suggesting that you should date her." Maki cut in. 

Kaede gasped. "No! That's not it! I just want to make sure my friend is getting other type of relationships with people besides just friendship!" Kaede narrowed her eyes at Maki playfully. Maki raised an eyebrow, a small smile on her face. "I'm not lying!"

The Leader...?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن