Finally, A Real Date

Start from the beginning

The first part of their ride was quiet as Kris tried to get herself under control. It wasn't until they were almost to the restaurant that she turned to him. "Genesis, there is something that I need to talk to you about."

He raised a brow at her tone. "That sounds rather serious. In my experience, when a woman says she wants to talk, it is rarely beneficial for me."

Kris rolled her eyes at him. She could tell that he was only teasing. "Seriously. It's about my brother." At those words, Genesis' face instantly turned thoughtful. Kris wasn't sure what to think, but she hoped that it at least meant that he understood it was no laughing matter. When he didn't say anything, she took it as leave to continue. "I know you are aware that Zack isn't thrilled that I agreed to see you. I also know that it might be a little awkward since you are one of his commanding officers, but I need to know if you really have no respect for him at all."

Genesis let out a small sigh and gently took her hand. "I apologize if I have ever given you that impression. I could tell from our first meeting that the two of you have a close relationship, and I do not want to make you feel as if you must choose. I may find it easy to tease him, but I do not mean anything serious by it. He has more potential than any Soldier since Angeal, and I joined. He is still young, but despite what you may believe, I think he could go far as he matures."

Kris gently pulled her hand back as she sighed. She looked out the window for a few moments before she responded. "I want to believe you. I really do, but I can't tell if you are just saying that to make me feel better or if you mean it."

He didn't respond right away, and he didn't get a chance to before they pulled up to the restaurant. She heard him grumble under his breath as he got out, but she couldn't hear what he said. She allowed him to help her out, and she stood to the side as he tipped the driver. When he turned to her, he took both of her hands, and his expression seemed out of place, as it was utterly stoic.

"I understand that trust is something that is not granted overnight. I will endeavor to tone down my teasing, but it would be unrealistic for me to say that I will cut it out entirely. I want you to know that part of my motivation is to get in your good graces; I would be lying if I said it wasn't, but that does not mean I do not believe what I said about your brother either. The world is not simply black and white."

Kris felt her jaw clench, but she didn't say anything right away. Finally, she sighed and nodded. "I understand. I said I would give you time, and so I suppose time will tell."

At her words, he smiled softly and squeezed her hands gently before he tucked one into the crook of his arm and turned them to the entrance. They both stopped suddenly at the sight of Angeal and Sephiroth walking toward them. The two Soldiers looked as surprised to see the couple as Kris was to see them. That fact hadn't sunk in before she greeted them. "General Sephiroth, Commander Hewely, it's good to see you both again, but I hadn't thought you would be here as well."

Sephiroth gave her a confused look, but Angeal was quicker on the uptake. He smiled as he looked between them. "This is just a happy coincidence. I'm glad to see you are doing well, but Sephiroth and I just happened to be passing by, that's all."

Kris heard Genesis grumble next to her again, and had to bite the inside of her cheek as she picked up part of it. He apparently was not happy to see his friends at the moment. Kris could hazard a guess as to why. She didn't get to say anything before Sephiroth spoke. "Ah, Angeal was correct. We knew that Genesis was occupied tonight, but we didn't know you would be with him. It is a good thing I ran into you, though. There is something I wanted to speak with you about."

Kris stared at him in confusion. What could the leader of Shinra's armed forces need to talk to her about? She didn't get a chance to ask before Genesis spoke up. "While I am sure you feel whatever you need to speak to her about is important, it will have to wait. We are here to enjoy ourselves, and that means no talk about work."

Kris was shocked when Genesis' rebuke didn't make the General angry. Instead, he gave them a wry look. "I apologize." He then smiled at Kris. "Do you think you would have time to come by my office sometime tomorrow? Any time after 10:00 would work."

Kris had to fight to keep from looking at Genesis. Part of her wanted to see if he had any more clues than she did on what this was about. She tamped down on the urge and smiled back. "Of course. I'm off tomorrow, so I guess I'll see you after 10:00."

At her agreement, both Sephiroth and Angeal gave the couple smiles and wished them a fun time before they continued on down the sidewalk and entered a building a few doors down. Genesis still didn't look thrilled to have run into them when he led her into the restaurant. She hoped his slight scowl wasn't the reason the maitre d' jumped to attention and nearly ran to find them an empty table.

Once they were ensconced in a booth near the back, Genesis' scowl fell away, and he smiled at her again. Kris almost shook her head. Their date had gotten off to a rocky start, and she wished that hadn't been the case. She hadn't been lying when she told him she had missed him a little.

Much to her delight, things started picking up almost as soon as their drinks arrived. It wasn't long at all until he managed to coax laughter from her. The longer the night waned, the better she felt. It was much later than she had anticipated before he finally sighed and stood. He held a hand out to her to help her to her feet, and she smiled at the gesture. She almost wished the night didn't have to end, but she was confident in the feeling that there would be other nights like this one.

When he dropped her off, he helped her out once more, and this time she let him. He hesitated for a few moments before he wrapped her in a loose hug. It took a moment for Kris to respond, but when she wrapped her arms around him as well, he gently kissed the top of her head. She almost thought she had imagined it, except for the fact that it lingered. His voice was soft when he whispered in her ear. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. My dear, I am already looking forward to our next excursion together."

Kris laughed a little as she finally pulled back. When he caught her hands, she allowed it and smiled up at him. "Me too."

It took more willpower than she thought it would to let go and turn to her house. She waved back to him as she said goodbye and watched him finally leave. She was still smiling as she made her way to a shower and bed.

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