"So...just because we, uh, spent some time together, that suddenly means I'm, uh, f—king him?" After voicing his accusation, it seemed super unfair to me, and I became annoyed too. "So just because I'm around him I'm fair game? Is that what you think of me?"

"Noh...noh..." He shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that. I dunno...I just meant...f—k, Haz. Why can't youh just be straight with me? You're playin' games and sh-t." His brow was creased. He looked nervous for what I would say next.

"I'm not playing games," I nearly laughed, wondering what the hell we were even talking about.

"Okay, Harry." Now he was mad. He sat back and played with his lighter.

"You're gonna burn it all out." I warned him. He always killed his lighters this way. He ignored me, and I took pity since I liked the thought of him being jealous even after all this time.

"Mate, look...we're just friends, alright? What're you acting all butthurt for?"

"I'm not. Youh still see 'em?"


"Soh, nothin' happened?"


"Was it even like that? Did youh want sumethin to happen?" I rolled my eyes, but didn't answer. "Always playin' games." He spat.

"Mate, c'mon, what's it to you anyway? You left me remember? You were the one 'engaged'." I hit him with the air quotes on that one. "You were the one who ran off to Italy or wherever with Perrie and your mum and sh-t, right after. D'you know how bad that fucked me up? To see you with her after I lost you? Kissing her and sh-t on camera? And now after everything, you dump her, and suddenly you're with..."



"Soh we were both f—ked around a bit."

"Yes. Not him, but yes...definitely other people. A few, actually."


"Mm-hm." I ruffled my hair in frustration. My hat was still somewhere across the room on the floor where I had sailed it.

"How many?"

"A few. Just a few."

"But what does that mean?"

"Like...nearly ten." He raised his eyebrows, but I rushed to assure him. "No, I didn't sleep with them all. They were  just sort of a distraction."

"Still...that's a lot for youh."

"Yeah, it was." I conceded with a sigh. "Well...I was lonely. What'd you expect? You were hard to get over."

"Soh...does that mean you're over me now?" he asked tentatively. I shrugged, but couldn't look his way. He continued, "trust me, I knowh how youh felt. It was a bit f--ked for me too...for a while there." He looked at me weirdly. "Can youh tell me who?"

"What for? It's over now. A lot of the time I was completely sh-t-faced or blacked out and couldn't even remember who it was anyway."

"Damn, Hazza," he winced.  Then, "hey, uh...any guys?" I could tell he feared my answer. I delivered it as gently as possible.

"Um...yeah." He shut his eyes as if to regroup mentally. "We didn't go too far though. Not as far as you and I had f—"

"Don't compare them to me," he spat.

"Alight. Ok. Chill, mate."

"Keep going, Harry."

"No, because you're already getting pissed at me. I told you I didn't wanna do it. Just forget it."

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