She regretted her words as soon as they were out of her mouth. She had been trying to keep her brother from feeling there was an issue when it was just her boredom. She was surprised when he gave her an understanding look. It still showed his worry. "I understand. Maybe I can work it out, and you can come spar with me sometime."

Kris was aware of what he was trying to do and appreciated it, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be the same. Her brother was far too scared of hurting her to really push her, not now that he was enhanced. She tried not to let that thought show when she grinned at him. "That sounds like fun too."

Zack shook his head. He recognized there would be no changing her mind if the Commander agreed. At least he was sure she was the most capable person he knew outside of Soldier. He just didn't like the idea of her spending any more time with the man. He tried to smile when he spoke again. "Okay. I won't keep on about it, but at least let me walk you home. I'm sure you're still sore."

Before she had a chance to answer, Genesis spoke again. "Before you leave, I would like to speak with you for a moment, please."

Both siblings gave him a surprised look, but Zack's quickly turned into a frown. Before he could go on another rant, Kris put her hand on his arm. "It's okay. I'm sure I'll be fine going home alone if I rest for a few minutes. I'll see you tonight."

Zack fervently wanted to object, but he knew his sister was too stubborn to argue with. Despite her smile, he could see a waiting reprimand in her eyes. He sighed and shook his head. "Alright. Be careful going home and let me know when you get there, please."

Her smile widened, and she gave him a nod. She was glad the rest of the Soldiers followed him out as well. Although she was sure their conversation would be interesting. She had a feeling she would be hearing about it later. She tried to put that thought from her mind as she turned back to Genesis. "What did you want to speak to me about?"

He was giving her an evaluating look when she turned to him. "You are not at all what I expected."

She snorted at his assessment. "Really? I would never have guessed that. Given how you were strutting before the match, I am sure you felt I would fall over at the first blow."

His evaluation turned into shock at her sharp retort. After their first meeting, he expected her to be the shy and docile type, especially since she blushed every time he got close or smiled. Her sarcasm was as surprising as her skill had been. He wasn't quite sure how to take it at first. Finally, he realized that he had already known on some level that she was not all that she seemed. That was partially why he had asked her to spar. When he smirked back at her, he could tell she was just as surprised as he had initially been. He took a step closer before he spoke. "I will admit that everything about you astonishes me. Given that you are related to Angeal's protégé, I expected less... sharpness. However, I find that it only intrigues me more."

He took another step forward, and Kris had to fight the urge to take a step back as he continued. "I would very much like a rematch, but more than that, I would like to ask you to join me for an evening out."

Kris' eyes widened at his request. She had denied that this could be a possibility since he first said he wanted to get to know her. Still, she shook her head and gave him a smirk. "I apologize if this sounds rude Commander, but we both know I am far from your type. I don't have money or fame, and I'm not interested in a fling."

His brow drew down at her response, but he quickly wiped it away. She was proving to be more interesting than he expected. "I can understand your reservations. I will give my word that I have no ill intentions. If you could give me one chance, I could prove it."

She shook her head. "It would be no problem for almost anyone to act a given way for one night to get something they wanted. That wouldn't prove much."

His eyes widened again. He was beginning to rethink his pursuit, but he caught sight of something in her eyes. A spark of intelligence that he didn't see often and found himself speaking again before he thought better of it. "Then give me a month. Surely, after that amount of time, you could see that I have no nefarious objectives."

He was further shocked when she outright laughed. He could still hear it in her voice when she answered. "I tell you that one night won't work, and you ask for more instead? What kind of sense does that make?"

Genesis frowned at that point. He had never had a woman reject him so many times in a row. He realized that if it had ever happened before, which it hadn't, that he would have walked away after the first rejection and promptly forgotten the woman. He could not understand, for the life of him, why he was loath to do so now. And he realized he was indeed unwilling to simply walk away and give up. He shocked them both when he took a step back, and he gave her a smile that was neither feigned nor snarky. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. I can understand why you are hesitant. I am not unaware of how my reputation can be misunderstood. Please at least think of letting me prove to you that I am not as I have been portrayed. If you are willing, we could take it a day at a time, as only time would be able to show you my true intentions."

He froze when something flitted through her gaze. Her face had not changed, but she shifted subtly. He could tell she was, at last, considering his words instead of dismissing them.

Kris was unsure how to take the Commander. She had expected him to get pissed several times over at her continued rejections, but instead, he had continued to press on. Part of her wanted to be annoyed at his inability to take no for an answer. However, something in the way he was looking at her, led her to believe that he wasn't lying. At least not during his last request. Also, it took all she had not to blush at the way he looked at her while he was quoting Loveless. She knew it was probably her imagination, but she really had felt beloved by the Goddess while he spoke. She realized that she was going to say yes at that moment and had to repress a sigh. She knew Zack was not going to like it. At least she knew she was given an easy out. She did sigh before she spoke, and she could tell he knew he had won as well. Although she was surprised that he wasn't smirking. Instead, his smile had grown into something charming. She shook her head at the sight. "Fine. I will agree as long as it is understood that I will not tolerate bullshit. If I feel I am being led around, please expect to hear it from me."

Genesis was almost desensitized to her bluntness, but only almost. He shook his head with a smirk. "I will take your words to heart." At that, he stepped forward and took her hand to place a kiss across her knuckles. He smirked at the blush it caused. "I would love the opportunity to walk you back. Zachary did have a point."

Kris wasn't quite sure how she felt about it, but she had said she would at least give him a chance. There was no time like the present. She gave him a nod and retrieved her jacket before she followed him out and toward the elevators.

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