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Hours had passed and though my eyelids were droopy, I still hadn't slept. Alright, I may have dozed off now and then, but it's hard not to: comfy bed, warm room, silence-- the perfect atmosphere for sleeping. However, being unconscious in Blood's bed isn't something I want to do more than once. The scratching of his pen against the paper had stopped a while ago, and when I looked back Blood seemed to be asleep-- I couldn't tell, I could see the back of his head but not his face. The steady breathing indicated that he wasn't awake, though. His palm was pressed against his face and there was no pen in his hand. He was still.  

Now was the perfect chance to escape.

I couldn't leave earlier; I knew that if I had opened the door and stepped out, Blood would simply pull me back into the room. Now he's asleep I can finally move. Boris, that asshole, hadn't arrived and saved me from my predicament. The damn cat is only protective when he chooses to be.

My ears pricked up once I heard footsteps on the opposite side of the door. I lay on my side and observed the lock being rotated -- Blood locked the door while I slept? -- and then gulped when it clicked. Goddamn, how am I supposed to escape if someone barges in and wakes Blood up! Sabotaging my departure to see Blood.... sounds like something Elliot would do. Damn you, you stupid rabbit. Dog. Whatever.

I did what I had to do.

I jumped out of the fucking window. Slid, techinically,

This was an incredibly stupid thing to do as it required a lot of movement from the arm area- my injured arm did not appreciate this move at all. I could hear voices from Blood's room. The person who had disrupted my escape plan was just a maid. As I hid in a bush, my eyes were locked onto the window. Blood was walking over to said window. I hid further into the bush as he entered my vision.

"What an idiot." He sighed. His voice was full of sleep, hoarse and rough. Blood's dark eyes scanned the area-- shit, he was searching for me. I tensed up. This asshole wasn't going to do a release the hounds! move, was he? Apparently not. Blood moved away from the window, and I sprinted out of the bush. 

Now I was walking on a path and hadn't a clue where I was. Plan A; Get the Fuck Out of the Mansion was proving to be difficult. But then I heard footsteps. Goddamn. Who was it now? Shit, was it actually Elliot this time? Had Blood sent the guy who thinks he's a hound after me? I watched hands emerge from a bush.



It wasn't Elliot.  

I'd so much rather it be Elliot.

"Wh- What are you doing here?" I whispered. Wow. This was not part of the plan. This was not part of any plan, including future plans. He was not involved in any plans. And I had plans that ranged from A to Z. This guy was not in any of them. He should not be here right now.

"I'm a knight, it's my job to rescue princesses."

Princess? How dare he. I'm good enough to be a king.

"That doesn't answer my question." 

"The Queen sent me." Ace smiled. "A cat told her all about your little stunt."

Ah. In other words, Boris didn't rescue me because he was too busy sneaking into the castle. He got busted and then revealed my current situation to get himself out of shit. Sneaky asshole.

Instinctively, my eyebrow raised. ''She sent you, even though you can't tell the difference between up, down, left or right?"

"That's not nice." Ace pouted. I'm not a nice person-- fuck! Alex, do not upset the goddamn yandere. "She sent Peter too, but he got lost."

"I think you're the one who got lost."

He shrugged, "Could be, could be." He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was replaced with a gun shot. Both of our heads turned to the source of the noise. I sighed. 



Maybe I should move onto Plan B; Plan A Fucked Up So Just Try Not to Get Killed

Heart No Kuni No Alex; Alice's brother.  『BxB』[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now