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I grumbled, and slowly opened my eyes. Looking around, I spotted two people, who were both looking down at me.

"Nightmare?" I muttered, "Geez, can't you leave me alone for atleast one night?"

He smiled, "Nope!~ It's my purpose to annoy you in your sleep!"

I paused as I looked at the other person, "Who's that?" I asked flatly. He frowned, although Nightmare smiled again, "This is Gray Ringmarc, my assistant~"

 "Assistant?" I muttered, "Someone's actually willing to put up with you?"

Gray chuckled, much to Nightmare's chagrin. I bit my lip, "Gray...." I muttered repeatedly, clearly confusing said person and Nightmare. "Ah, I remember now. Alice said something about a lizard? And cute things?" I sighed, "Argh... I can't remember, sorry."

 Gray blinked, "Alice told you about me?" He asked, confused. 

Nodding, I stretched, "Mmh-hmm. I know about everyone."

"But I'm just an assi--"

"Everyone!" I sharply repeated. 

Nightmare put his hand on his hip, "Aahh~ Sassy Alex is sassy."

A scowl appeared on my face, "What the hell is with you people?! Does no one ever answer back to you?! Are you so used to people listening to you that when they answer back you think it's sassy?!"

Nightmare and Gray blinked, looked at eachother, then back to me.

"Someone call you sassy before, I presume?" Gray asked.

I bit my lip, fully aware that I was wearing a sour expression, "...Maybe."

Nightmare's eyes widened and he smirked, "Ah~! Who? Julius? Blood? Dee? Dum? Gowland? Elliot? Vivaldi? Peter? Ace? Pierce? The King? Boris?"

Sighing, I looked at him, "For the last time, I am not sassy. And it was Julius, if you must know."

Nightmare's eyes widened, "Ah! I knew it!" He yelled (Too loud for his own good, actually.), which resulted in him coughing up blood.

I got to know Gray more, and even Nightmare. The most humorous thing was when Gray brought a needle out, and Nightmare literally screamed. I laughed as I remembered the scene.

 "Alex?" I heard someone say as they knocked on my door, "Alex? You up yet?"

They opened the door as I let out a groan, "I am now."

Ah, it was morning already? How long was I with Gray and Nightmare?

 "GOOD~!" Ace yelled as he came into my room with his usual smile.

Frowning, I got out of my bed, "What are you doing here, Ace?"

"My job, maybe?"

"Does your job involve waking me up and barging into my room?"

"Well, no, however---"

"Then out!" I said as I shoved him out of my room, his smile still didn't falter, though.

Running my fingers through my hair, I left my room. 

The coffee I made Julius got me 85 points (Hell yeah!), and I soon felt in the mood for exploring.

Now, where's my next destination?

Heart No Kuni No Alex; Alice's brother.  『BxB』[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now