HnKnAlex || FILLER

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posting this because I'm going away for a week and I feel like it'd be better to leave HnknAlex with these three rather than Ace...!!

note: small little drabble thing that has nothing to do with the plot. If we ever have a situation like this in future chapters, I may repost and add onto !!! bc im lazy !!


"Alex." Boris whines, tail swishing as he sits in front of me, clasping his hands together, begging. "Please?"

"No!" My arms are folded and I keep my foot on his head to stop him from leaning closer.

The twins pout and moan too, they're tugging on both of my sides, just like they usually do. "Big brother...! Please!"

I attempt (and fail) to shake them off.


"Please~!" The three of them chorus. As dumb as they are, at least they have manners.

Freeing my shirt from Dee and Dum's grip, I push Boris backwards with my foot (he falls over onto his back, that dumb ass) and take a few steps back. "I'm not putting on a dress for you, no matter how much you cry."

"But Alex." Boris pouts. "You'd look so cute!"

"I'm always cute, you asshole!"

Dum whines as he tries to grab onto my hand again, "Big brother, please!"

"No! What is wrong with you three?!"

"There's nothing wrong with boys wearing dresses, big brother." Dee remarks, attempting to hold onto me just like his brother. I pull my arms away from them and sigh. "I know that. It's just that I don't want to wear a dress."

Boris huffed, "Well I don't want you to wear anything, but we can't all have what we want, huh?"

Dum grins. "Would you rather be naked or wear a dress?"

"I'd rather you all shut the fuck up before I hit you."

The room fell silent and within seconds the three of them stiffened, sitting silently with their arms pressed tightly against their sides. Everything is nice and quiet-- for a solid five minutes, which is definitely a new record. Dum speaks first, which leads to Dee repeating his brothers words with his full agreement, and then lastly, Boris. Being Boris.

"Why do you want me in a dress so bad?" I growl as I wrestle Boris, who is bored of asking and wants to force me into changing. "You wanna get kinky, Pinky?"

Suddenly, everything in the room seems like its shifted. Boris goes pink and just shouts, "Shut up! Why would I want to get kinky with you? And don't call me Pinky, either!"

The twins, on the other hand, eagerly volunteer to take the dumb cat's place.

"Big brother, we'll --!!"

I sigh. What have I gotten myself into now?

Heart No Kuni No Alex; Alice's brother.  『BxB』[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now