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Day five of being in the Kingdom of Hearts, Wonderland.

"BIIIG BROOOOOOOOOOO!!" I heard two voices scream. Ah, the cute and distinct voices of the Bloody Twins. Before I knew it, I was almost tackled to the floor.

"You met Boris, didn't you?~" Dee smiled, identical to his brother.

"He's our friend, don't ya know~!" Dum added as he and his brother looked at eachother.

 "Your friends with P–" I corrected myself, "–Boris?"

Dee nodded, "Mmh! Let's go see him, hey, big bro?!"

Sighing, I nodded. "Alright, we'll go see the cat."

I still didn't know how they had found me. I was just walking around, hoping I would end up somewhere (preferably a location which was no where near Peter.). It was luck that I had ran into the twins; hopefully my day won't be as boring.

The twins giggled, "Hooray!"

By their smiles, slightly tinted cheeks and childish attitudes, you wouldn't at all suspect that these two loved to kill people for fun.

"I heard Boris got another gun yesterday," Dum smirked.

Well, until you hear something like that. Then you figure out that these two are completely crazy. The twins knew the woods well, despite how every path looked the exactly the same as the one before.

"Twins~!" I heard a low voice yell as we walked into the amusement park. "...And Alex."

"What a warm welcome, Boris." I sighed.

"Don't get sassy with me." The cat frowned. Again with the sassy. What is wrong with these people?! Surely, I am not sassy... despite everyone telling me otherwise. Ah, I'm not sassy, damn it.

"Um..." Dum murmured. "Are you two not friends?"

 Boris and I held our gaze, "Most people wouldn't class us as that, no."

"He's annoying." We both said in unison as we pointed to eachother. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed it, how is slender finger was pointing at me, the same way mine pointed at his. Dee sighed, "That's no good, you two!~ Alice was our friend, so big bro should be too!"

Boris's jaw clenched, "But he's not Alice. It's not the same."

I frowned, "Of course it's not the same. I'm a male, she's a female. She'll be twenty-one and I'll be seventeen. She liked it here, I don't."

The twins gasped.


Why the hell did I say that for? Boris smiled, as if he had won a game.

"Y- You don't like us, big bro?" A rather large pout made it's way onto Dum's lips. I bit the inside of my cheek. Damn cat.

Rubbing the back of my head, I crouched down to the twins' height.

"That's not what I meant, hm? I'm just a little homesick, is all."

Dee tugged on my shirt, "Can we help?"

Ah, Alice warned me about things like this, and how it usually led to sexual harassment. Alice had always went weak in the knees when cute people touched her;  me on the other hand, not so much. I smiled, "Don't worry about it, alright?"

The twins nodded and ran off, jumping onto rides and threatening faceless people when they said no. Boris scoffed and sent me a look, which I ignored.

 "Why do you love Alice so much?" I finally asked, breaking the awkward silence that had consumed the air. Boris looked at me, "What?"

"I know you heard," I began, "I want to know why you love Alice so much. All of you."

Boris scratched the back of his pink ear, "She's an outsider. She's different. She's... she's Alice."

I sighed; what an excellent observation.  Boris frowned, "Look, we all love Alice for different reasons, and they are none of your concern."

"She's my sister," I hissed back, "Of course it's my concern if a bunch of perverted murderers are going around sexually harassing her because they love her."

Boris was staring at me now. I could feel it. Damn, why can't I keep my mouth shut today?

"...Is that was Alice said about us?" He asked quietly. I bit my lip and kissed my teeth, "Pretty much."


The renewed awkward silence was scratching my throat; really, I should've kept quiet. The twins came off the ride and grabbed both myself and Boris by the hands, "Let's go on one together, big bro!"

Boris smiled, "Sure!"

It was fake, clearly. I slowly pulled my hand back, "Nah, sorry twins. I'm going to head home."

Dum pouted, "Why? Aren't you having fun? Is boring Julius better than us?"

I laughed lightly, "It's not that. I'll make it up to you two, alright?"

I left and walked into the forest, unaware that Boris was watching me.

Damn, I really should've kept quiet.

Heart No Kuni No Alex; Alice's brother.  『BxB』[DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin