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Hey wait a minute--

"Ace, why are you walking in front?"

He tilted his head to the side. "Because I'm the leader."

"Leader my ass." I rolled my eyes. "You're probably sending us in circles."

"Oh, so that's why I've seen that same rock six times---"


"I'm joking, Alex!"

Another gunshot (courtesy of Peter) abruptly ended the conversation.

Now, I am fully aware of how dense I can be, and I'm aware of the fact that I have a tendency to be completely oblivious to every and anything around me, but Ace-- Ace is not smooth at all. Alright, that's a lie- his voice is smooth as fuck (my God, his voice is so so so smooth, but there's no way I'm ever telling him that) and the way he'll move his body when he walks past me to slyly brush his skin against my fingertips is also smooth as fuck, and real distracting too (how am I supposed to stick to Plan B if I've got a hot yandere who wants to --probably -- jump me, acting real suave? I won't. I'll go straight to Plan F; fuck everything and fuck me). Now, I could not skip Plan B, Plan B was probably my most important plan, excluding C, D and E, because they were the exact same as Plan B. Every plan that involved me not dying was an important plan.

Anyway, ignoring the plan part, Ace was smooth... but not smooth at the same time. He was smooth as in he could fuck you up (like, in a sexy way but also a wow he's going to kill me way) but damn was he dumb. I could literally feel his stare slowly but surely create a hole in my neck, where that damn hickey was, that damn hickey that started all of this. He had a pattern; he'd stare at my neck, then my arm, then back to my neck. It was annoying but I had no idea how to get him to stop. Ace was as unpredictable as Dinah's ass once she'd eaten something too rich for her stomach to handle.

Fuck, I just compared a yandere to my cat's diarrhea. 

I couldn't take it anymore. If he looked at me one more time I'm sure my neck'll fall off. "Do you mind?" I asked.

"No?" He smiled. He was faking the uncertainty in his voice, I know that for a fact. 

"Stop staring at my neck." We'd both stopped walking. Ace shifted and looked at me, then let out a small laugh. Then suddenly his hand was gripped on the base of my throat. Not tightly, but the sudden movement of my body being slammed against a tree did hurt my arm. A lot.

"I just think it's funny." He began. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I've fucked up Plan B. I've insulted the yandere. I've insulted the yandere and he could kill me right now and no one would realise... until tomorrow, that is, when Vivaldi storms round Blood's mansion and demands my whereabouts, but Blood answers only that I left. Then there'd be a shit storm.

Ace leaned closer to my face and traced his thumb traced over the pulse point on my neck- coincidentally where the hickey was. My heart was racing as I stared into Ace's eyes-- who the fuck has red eyes???  He's not an albino so-- nevermind, nevermind. Boris has cat ears. Eye colour means nothing. Red eyes aren't strange. Nothing is as strange as cat ears. Or Boris.

"You've already let somebody touch you." 

Ace's voice was cold, and there was a rumble in his tone. Alright, now I was concerned over my safety.

Alas, going against my better judgment and forgetting any drop of common sense that was in my body, I opened my mouth to speak; to protest. How dare he call me a whore. It was almost like he was scolding me. But after what Alice told me of him, Ace's scoldings involved a lot more than words and a chilling voice. But before I could even fuck up even more, he said,

"Oops. That wasn't a knight-like thing to say." 

The shaky sigh of relief that left my lips after he had removed his hand from my neck seemed quiet, but I could've sworn I'd seen the faintest smirk on his lips. Ace had heard it and was satisfied with the fact that he'd scared me. This guy is creepy as fuck. Hot, but creepy.

I barged past him, my (good) shoulder crashing against his as I moved away and in front of him.

"You know, Alex, when you're scared, your heart really starts to pound. Don't you think that's kinda hot?"

Ace laughed as my ears and face went pink.

Heart No Kuni No Alex; Alice's brother.  『BxB』[DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora