“You shouldn’t… mmnng… You shouldn’t be here.” Iida said through gritted teeth. 

“Neither should you… I gotta get you out of here and to an ambulance, just-” she paused when she heard a groan and saw the other hero behind them. “Another one?”  She could carry Iida in a pinch… but trying to haul two men twice her size while ditching a dangerous villain was not gonna be possible.

“Midoriya?” Stain’s voice brought the fear back and Izumi turned to see him regaining his feet. “As in Izumi Midoriya, the daughter of All Might?” 

She was on her feet instantly her hands braced up ready to protect herself and the others. She’d called 911, hopefully they tracked her call and help was on the way. She’d been an idiot to forget her phone, now she was alone with two crippled heroes and a murderer. 

“That’s me… and you’re the Hero Killer, Stain! Sorry but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Keep calm, stay angry, keep him talking. 

Stain narrowed his eyes on the girl… it was true she resembled the girl in the picture he saw and let out a small laugh.  

“So you’re the one he seeks.” 

“He?” Confused her hands lowered a bit but her eyes narowed. “Who are you talking about?” 

“All that noise…” Stain pointed to the sky, at the raging fire and cries of the public. “All that is for you, to lure you out of hiding.” 

“Lure…” finally it clicked. “Shigaraki Tomura?” How could she have forgotten? The villain knew where she was, had sought out her location from the get go. “You know him?” 

“Midoriya-chan…” iida grunted through the pain of being frozen. “What’s he talking about?” 

“Shigaraki Tomura…” she said it with foul distaste. This time the anger came easy and her eyes slit like a cats. “He’s the man who kidnapped and tortured my grandfather. He’s trying to use my brother and I to get to All Might.” She put her fists back up. “So you’re in league with him?!” 

“No,” he said simply. “My business is strictly my own.” 

“Then why?!” She shouted at him accusingly. “Why are you hurting these people? Why are you killing heroes?!” 

“I do not kill heroes… I kill the fakes of this world. Those that pretend to be heroes but are in reality selfish humans who seek money and fame. The fakes who put selfish desires like vendettas and personal gain ahead of saving the lives of others. This society has been corrupted by them, and it is my duty to ensure they’re enlightened.” 

Izumi looked into the eyes of this murderer as he spoke. His words were words she had thought of only a day ago and it left her feeling unsettled. 

“This boy you’re trying to protect,” Stain pointed the sword down at Iida. “He attacked me, uses his brother’s name and defiles it by using it for vengeance. He’s a fake!” 

“You maimed his brother of course he’s gonna be angry!” She shouted at him, her heart wavering as his words were striking home. “What’s so wrong with protecting those you love, for seeking retribution… no JUSTICE! Justice for those who’s cases go on collecting dust because the villains know the holes in the system, for those who’s loved ones have been hurt, or taken from them but their killers remain on the streets!” 

Stain cocked his head to the side and slowly stepped towards her even as she continued to speak. 

“Are you saying what he did is justifiable? That his vengeance should be practiced by other heroes?” 

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