He glared at her for ruffling his hair, but it quickly melted into a grin. "You don't have to worry about me. I got this."

He stood and helped her clear the table before he looked at the clock. He frowned at it and sighed as he turned around. "I have to get back. Thanks for dinner."

She gave him a quick hug. "You're always welcome. Let me know before you get sent on your first mission, okay?"

He gave her a mock salute as he dashed to the door. "It'll be done before you know it." She was still shaking her head at his boundless enthusiasm as she turned to finish cleaning.


As it turned out, his first mission was less than a week after that. When he got back, he was so excited that he almost didn't have time to eat. He had to tell her all the details. Luckily, it was a monster extermination mission. He let her know that those would be the majority of his work for the time being. That was a fact she wasn't upset about. Since they had come to Midgar, she had heard more about the war with Wutai, and she wasn't sure she agreed with it. That was an opinion that was in the minority, so she never shared it. Especially not with Zack. She knew her support meant a lot to him, and if he thought for a second that there was something he was doing that she couldn't get behind, it would tear him up.

His next few missions didn't come as quickly, but he was still out on the fourth one by a few weeks before their lease was up. Kris hoped that they got good news when he got back because she didn't think her landlord would let them lease it a month at a time. She was sure that it would work out one way or another, but it would be nice to not have to worry so much. And she had plenty of time for that. The three days that she worked were so busy that she barely managed to get home before she passed out. The following Monday was always for recuperating, but then the rest of the week was boring.

She often found herself missing their days of travel. She tried to force herself to remember that it was always uncomfortable. It was too hot or too cold or too wet or too dry. They spent a lot of time working on smelly potions or fighting. Even so, there was never any time for her to get bored, and more than that, she wasn't alone.

She had tried to look for a second job on the days she had off, but she didn't have much luck. She was glad for the small amount that Zack was able to contribute. She hated taking it, but it made sure that everything was paid, and she even was able to put aside a little in case of emergencies.


She was cleaning the spotless apartment again for the second time that week when she was surprised by Zack. She wasn't expecting him back for another day. He had a key still, so he didn't even knock. When she noticed he was wearing a different uniform, she jumped up and gave him a tackling hug. He laughed and spun her a couple of times before he put her back down. She was almost as excited as he was when she spoke. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

He nodded and laughed again. "Yup. This is my new official Soldier Second Class uniform!"

She walked around him once before she gave him a curious look. "I thought that Seconds wore burgundy uniforms?"

As impossible as she thought it was, his grin got wider. "They do."

Kris nearly fell over; she was so surprised. "That isn't a First's uniform either, is it? I mean, I thought their's were black?"

He nodded without losing his smile. When he didn't say anything right away, she pushed his arm. "Come on, you can't keep it secret. Unless, of course, you tried washing the regular one, and it's that color because you messed it up. I wouldn't want to share if that was the case, either."

He frowned at her jab and huffed slightly when he crossed his arms. "Like I would be so careless with my uniform."

She raised a brow at him, and he shuffled slightly. "All the uniforms are cleaned for us at the barracks."

She tried to stifle her laugh at that. "Fine, if that isn't the case, then what gives?"

He was grinning again, and she was certain his chest puffed out a little. "It's purple because I am being mentored by one of the Firsts. Normal Soldier Seconds do have burgundy, but since I'm special, I get a special uniform."

She rolled her eyes at him and mumbled under her breath. "Oh, you're special, alright."

It was his turn to push her arm. "Hey, I heard that. Don't forget I have extra-sensitive hearing now."

She laughed and gave him another hug. "I'm only teasing. That's awesome! So, do you have any new responsibilities?

He nodded as they both sat at the table. "Yeah, 'Geal says he wants me to go on a few more missions with him, but he's going to let me lead. He's just gonna help if I need it. After he's comfortable letting me lead, then I'll be taking solo missions mostly. He said I may have to take a few where I am commanding a small company, but those will be few and far between."

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