Becoming a Soldier

Start from the beginning

Much to Zack's surprise, and relief, he didn't go down in ten seconds. He was able to parry the first several blows, even if his hands did hurt afterward. He ignored the pain as he focused on watching for slight changes in Sephiroth's stance that could indicate what his next move was. He didn't even think about going on the offensive. He doubted he would be allowed to. That hadn't been what was asked anyway. He just had to last five minutes. He quickly lost track of time as he focused.

It was at least a couple of minutes into the spar before the difference in skill quickly became apparent. Despite the fact that Zack had been watching like a hawk, Sephiroth shifted mid-swing and caught him off guard. He managed to get his sword around in time to block, but his angle was bad, and the blow knocked it from his hands and across the room. Zack refused to let that be the end. He ducked the next blow and rolled closer to the weapon rack. He knew he wouldn't have much time, so he grabbed the closest thing. When he realized it was a staff, he grinned wider.

He spun and blocked the next blow. He ignored Sephiroth's raised brow at his weapon choice and focused on blocking. He knew the General was going easy on him when he finally saw an opening for an offensive move. He didn't hesitate to take it. He only realized at the last moment that it had been a trap. He was experienced enough with the staff, that he was able to spin it in his fingers and knock the potentially bruising blow far enough away that it barely grazed his arm instead of landing on his ribs.

After that, he got lost in the rhythm of blocking blow after blow. He was given a couple more openings, but he didn't take them. He didn't want to chance it, as he finally remembered the General was skilled enough that he never created openings. Despite how well he thought he was doing, Sephiroth eventually managed to get past his guard with another switch. He had aimed for Zack's ribs again but ended up swiftly dropping and swung for his legs instead.

Zack groaned at the bruising impact and found himself on his back with Sephiroth's sword at his neck. He held in his curse at the fact that he had been knocked down and knew the spar was over.

When Sephiroth moved back, Angeal was there with a grin to help him to his feet. Zack didn't understand why he was smiling until Sephiroth spoke. "That was an excellent display of quick thinking. You're fast, and it shows. Thank you for the spar Soldier Fair."

Zack blinked a few times as the words sank in. His heart nearly burst when he realized his new commanding officer had just complimented him. He saluted with a grin. "The pleasure was mine, sir!"

Sephiroth finally gave him a small smile and turned to Angeal. "I trust you can finish?"

Angeal gave him a wave. "I'll send you my full report later." Sephiroth gave them both a nod before he walked out.

Once he was gone, Angeal clapped Zack on the shoulder and headed toward the door. "Why don't we finish getting you set up, Soldier."


Kris had another big meal waiting when Zack finally got home. She had no doubt that he would have good news. When he came in, his eyes lit up, but the first thing he did was grab her in a tight hug. She was grinning when he let her go. "I told you there was nothing to worry about."

He laughed and grabbed her again. He carried her to the table before he let her go and sat down. He shook his head. "Man, I am going to miss this. You know I'm spoiled, right?"

Even though his words confirmed one of her fears, she managed to give him a smile. It wasn't long until it was no longer forced. His tale of how he made Soldier was thrilling. Being able to stand toe to toe with Sephiroth for more than eight minutes had to be a feat that was not easily accomplished. Even if the General was fighting at less than his average capacity. She wondered briefly if Zack embellished the story a little, but she realized that if he had gone up against the famous General, it was all likely true. She was just happy that he wasn't hurt.

After they ate, they settled in to go over what they both needed to do. Zack was still the one doing most of the talking. "Angeal has me all set up so that tomorrow is my official start date. I have to stay in the barracks while I'm a Third, but he doesn't think it'll be long until I become a Second. Even though I won't be here, you don't have to worry about killing yourself so much. I can help out now, and you can work normal hours."

Kris was both relieved and sad that he had offered. It might be a necessity if she couldn't find a second job. She knew she needed to tell him, as his days off would likely only be during the days she would be working. She hated ruining the mood, but she knew it was now or never. "I'm thrilled you got in, although, given the fact that Commander Hewley personally trained you, I never thought you wouldn't."

He grinned at her, but she didn't let him interrupt. "I hate to spoil the mood, but I have news too."

His smile finally dimmed as he took in her tone and tenseness. His voice was concerned. "Is everything okay?"

She managed a smile as she patted his arm. "It's not a big deal, but Mr. Alexandros cut back the hours the store will be open. I'll only be working on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It'll still be nearly a full week since I'll be there from open to close."

His brows drew down. "Well, don't worry about it. I already told you I would help. Besides, we might get lucky, and by the time this lease is up, we can move to Sector 5."

She laughed at his determination. She should have known he would only be worried and not upset. "I believe you can do it too. For now, we'll be fine. Rent is already paid, and what I make should be enough for me to pay most of the bills. You won't have to help much."

He shook his head before he gave her another quick hug. "I wouldn't ever abandon you anyway. Like I could stay focused without you."

She knew he was just trying to lighten the mood, so she grinned and ruffled his hair. She started clearing the dishes off as she spoke. "You are amazing already. I can only imagine that it won't be long until you have your own fan club like the Firsts. I can see the girls lining up already."

She laughed when her teasing made him turn a bright red. It took him several moments to find his voice, but he had already started helping. "Well, if I do end up with a fan club, I'll make sure you're featured too. I wouldn't be here without you."

She stopped and gave him a serious look, even if she was still smiling. "You would have made it. You have been determined to do this since before you ever met me, but I'm glad I got to be here and help." Neither of them said anything else as they finished cleaning up.

They both had an early morning, so as soon as they were done cleaning, Kris made Zack sit and write. He groaned, but she only reminded him the longer he took the later it would be. He finally gave in. There wasn't much to his letter, but Kris knew it would be enough to make their parents happy. As soon as he was done, she put it with the keys so she could take it and drop it off on her way in. That night, despite how worried she had been, Kris slept a dreamless sleep.

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