Chapter 5

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Elles POV:

I ran out of the house. Marcia yelling at me asking where I was was going. My heart was pounding. My mind kept on wondering off wondering what would have happened if I didn't wake up. I finally came back to related when I bumped into the same greaser I saw when I was walking to Marica's.

"Ow man!" He yelled at me getting up from the ground. I looked at me and stopped everything he was doing.

"Um hello?" I said with a strange look on my face. I started walking past him because I was getting kinda scared being out there with a greaser all alone.

"Oh man...I'm sorry" he said coming towards me. I flinched and he back up knowing I was scared. "I-Im Ponyboy....Ponyboy Curtis" he said with a smile.

"I'm Eleanor....Elle for short" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. "That's a pretty cool name. I wish my name wasn't so ordinary."

"I think it's pretty." Ponyboy said with another smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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