Chapter 3

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Date: May 22nd, 1966

Elle's POV:

I arrived at the house. Loud music was playing from inside the house, people were outside talking and drinking. I walked in the house taking off my hoodie at the same time. Someone handed me a shot and without thinking I took it. I went into the kitchen we're Marcia was. "Hey Elle!" She said hugging me with a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

"Do you know where Bob is?" I asked.

"What? I can't hear you!" She yelled at me.

"Do you know where Bob is?" I yelled back at her. Taking a few more shots.

"He's in a room with some girl. You know what that means" She laughed. This was not like Marcia she's to out of it to know what's actually going on. I left her there and made my way upstairs to find Bob. I went in each bedroom some had people in them but those people weren't Bob.

I went in the last room and opened it. Bob was there making out with another girl. Another girl that wasn't Cherry. "Bob?" I asked horrified.

"Elle! Oh my god!" He got up and slammed the door in my face.

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