Chapter 2

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Date: May 2nd, 1966

Elle's POV:

I put a pink dress under a black hoodie. I opened the window, the cold wind rushing in my room. I peaked my head out the window. The jump was big. My house was 3 stories and I was on the 2nd. Lucky for me there was a few vines on the side of the window.

I crawled through the window grabbing onto the vines. I put my right hand and leg on the vines my left leg hanging free. With my left hand still hanging onto the seal of the window. I let go of the window and crawled down he window. A branch breaking as a stepped on it. The sound penetrated the air. I cringed at the loud noise. I moved down this time more carefully. I finally reached the ground and looked back up. Dumb ass I thought to myself as I looked at my window wide open. Shit I brushed it off my parents wouldn't dare to come in my room anyways. They don't even acknowledge that I exist. I hopped over the fence of my backyard.

I walked through the streets dancing and singing. I laughed and kept waking towards Marica's house. I looked across the street where I saw a boy walking by himself on the other side. I greaser...what was he doing on this side of town I thought as I took quick glances at him thinking about what Bob would do to him if he saw him out here.

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