1. It's A Complete Circle

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The harsh sunlight peeks through the window of Annabeth's new room , hitting her face like small stone . She groans at the sudden disturbance and pulls the covers over her head in an attempt to find some sort of protection from the heat .

The shrill sound of her alarm clock sets off causing Annabeth to flinch . She grabs a pillow and shoves it over her face as she goes back to sleep again . Or tries to. Helen gives her a morning call from the kitchen , telling her to get out of bed .

Reluctantly, Annabeth obliges and heads out . The smell of warm waffles and a lot of coffee fill the room . She looks around to make sure the house is in one piece as it's Helen who cooked and was surprised when she didn't find one thing out of place

"How in gods name did you make these?" She asks , heading towards the dinning table and sitting on her seat

"Oh, I didn't make it. A boy came in this morning , lives a few door away, he brought it . Kinda like a welcome to the neighbourhood gift" she says sipping her coffee and immediately spitting it out

"Lemme guess , you made the coffee?" Annabeth says with a smug look on her face as she gets up to grab some sugar from the cabinet above

"Whatever" Helen whispers , extending her cup nonetheless

They eat breakfast while chatting about how they were gonna unpack and all the supplies they needed . Although all that was going on in Annabeth's head was the constant thought of where they were .

This place . This place is unlucky for annabeth and she knows it , but they can't shift either as Helen is low on salary and moving somewhere else would be a risk .

Helen seems to notice the change in her mood as she grabs her hand and squeezes it in a motherly manner . Helen had always been the one who took care of her after it happened. Sure they had been distant and the first couple of years were really hard for Annabeth to cope with but eventually time and understanding towards each other was all they needed.  

Glumily, Annabeth rises from her seat once her breakfast is done and places the plate in the sink , she packs her bag and gets ready for school . Annabeth spared a glance at  herself in the mirror and watches how her reflection stares back. Her head is high and she looks confident , but her eyes sell her out


She looks at the stand to find the chain . The one with the owl pendant on it. Seeing it again brought back memories. Good memories that all ended horribly . She clips the chain on and tries for a smile. Attempting a few more times , Annabeth sighs as she looks at the fake her, nodding her head in acceptance  before she leaves her room .

Listening to Helens plan and telling her goodbye, Annabeth grabs her earphones and wallet . She wears her Yankees cap and steps outside the apartment, cringing, as the rusty door made a loud screeching noise . Their house is the only one that looks less maintained , with its number 1 missing and its number 9 hanging upside down . The paints chipped into the corners and Annabeth hates the colour choices of the builder .

She walks the small hallways of her building and groans when she finds the elevator out of control . It isn't a long walk downstairs but it is just piling on her anxiety . She waits at the bus stop , tapping her foot against the grey pavement anxiously . She spots a boy coming out of her building with an older man and wonders if he's the same one who was responsible for making sure she didn't get a burnt breakfast

As the bus arrives at the stop , Annabeth walks in . All the way up till school she kept dreading what was to come . She didn't know if she could face her past , didn't know if those scar are healed emotionally . If those nightmares would leave her alone or if the guilt would go away

As she stared at the old fashioned school, she couldn't help get those flashbacks . This is her new beginning, her fresh start . She is like a flower in the season of spring and she doesn't want to wither . But how can she blossom when all around her is a ring of fire waiting for her to step in . Annabeth takes a deep breath and shakily releases it . Students are all making their way inside the large door and she know she should too . 

She grabs the ring on her right index finger and turns it as she slowly walks in . Nearing the mass of students she suddenly changes her attitude and walks like she owns the place.  She knows the school , she had been here a thousand of times . With her unfortunate luck , she got the exact home room she didn't want . She could change it right . Closing her eyes and calming her nerves down , she reaches forward and opens the door. 

She's back in New York . After always running away from this place she is back here . Her life has completed an entire cycle . She is back to the place it began . And never believe what people tell you -- but life is circle

And it always takes a fucking turn 

I can't believe I changed the themes so much , I am really happy with this and am looking forward for your thinking and opinions . I really want to edit my books and I even have so many ideas,  but I just can't seem to have time . I will try to update this book but other than that I maybe wont

I want to say , I am writing a song fic oneshot as a seperate book,  so make sure to stick around for when I post that . And that's it . Thanks for reading . Bye😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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