He frowned and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Yeah?"

"Only in the sense that my fan account has officially been deactivated and I've taken down all my Niall Horan posters in my room."

"Your what? And you had what in your room?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fan account, and I'm kidding..."

"Okay, good."

"The posters were of Liam."

The look of shock and horror on his face caused me to erupt into laughter that just about cured my hangover.

He gazed at me skeptically. "You are joking right?"

"Yes," I relented. "I'm not a fan of large pictures of people on my wall staring at me at night."

He released a heavy sigh, his eyes averting out the car window. A small smile formed on his face, then I watched it steadily fade. "Last night you said you were fired from your job."

I winced. Nope. Not doing this.

"I don't want to talk about it, Harry."

"Nor, you were upset. You—"

"I don't want to talk about it," I repeated, then expelled a huff. "I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine. I was just drunk last night, and I had an emotional day yesterday, and I took it out on you. So, for that, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. You don't have anything to be sorry for. I want to listen, Norah."

I shook my head. Even through a phone screen, I was unable to meet his piercingly serious eyes.

"Where are you headed to?" I changed the subject.

I could tell he didn't want to give up the conversation, but he backed down anyways. Which I was grateful for. 

He gave a deep sigh. "The arena in Newcastle. It's our last show here before heading to Sheffield for our last three shows."

Holy shit. It was already almost over?

"Wow. How does it feel to be close to done with the tour?"

"It's absolutely crazy." He shook his head and ran a hand through his long, messy hair. "Feels like a true end of an era."

"How so?"

His arm rested against the bottom of the window and his fingers of his left hand rubbed across his forehead. "We've just been touring for so long without much of a break, you know? It feels like this might be the last time we put out shows like this for a long time."

I couldn't imagine One Direction taking a break. The boys had been releasing music and touring like it was nobody's business for as long as I could remember. Surely, that had to mean they deserved a long break.

"Well, for whatever my word is worth, I think you're long overdue for a break."

"Thank you, Nor. Your word is worth more than you can imagine."

I mirrored the smile he gave me as warmth spread through my body. Still, I felt a crick somewhere in my chest as the pressure of what I knew was going to be another busy day for me weighed down.

"I wish you would tell me what's bothering you."

I hadn't noticed that my smile had faded until Harry spoke up.

I gnawed on my lower lip, then managed to curl them up into a grimaced smile. "I'm just busy. School is school...work is work. It's a lot sometimes."

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