» 06.

129 16 24

[i enjoyed writing this chapter so much omg]

 i managed to finish the game quickly smashing the shuttle cock downwards, taking all the anger out on my opponent. i shook his hand forcefully and then i stormed off the fan stands. i was going to strangle nathan, i was going to kill him. i don't even care if he's my best friend. he's dead.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER." i screamed at nathan, my rage was erupting out of me, i felt like my blood was boiling inside of me. i was so ready to explode.

nathan simply smirks and wraps one arm around the stunning girl's waist and presses his lips prolonged on her soft cheek.

"GET OFF HER. SHE'S MINE!" nathan seemed unfazed, as did danielle. they looked like they enjoyed taunting me. they enjoyed watching me suffer. nathan's greeny grey eyes were dancing with joy and evil. i couldn't dare look at danielle without melting. she was too dazzling beautiful for me to handle.

i felt a hand on my shoulder and my reflex almost made me whip around and slap them for touching me, "mate. hey, what are you doing?" justin's concerned voice was speaking to me calmly. my breathing was uneven as i tried so hard to calm down, but it was virtually impossible. why was nathan tormenting me? what had i done wrong? he knew how much i loved danielle, so why would he go to this extreme to destroy me?

"i-i love her." i shake as i speak to justin, justin just looks at me as if he was so confused as to what was going on right now.

"love who, liam?" xavier comes to the left hand side of me whilst justin is on the right hand side. they were like my back up.

"her, that girl with my best friend over there. nathan sykes, he, he wants to destroy me mentally!" i announce and now a lot of the people in the fan stands had their attention on me. good, now they can all help me hurt nathan.

xavier glances at justin who looks straight back at justin. justin gulps slightly then looks at me.

"um liam, there's no-one there?"


everyone was looking at me like i was insane. they looked at me as if i had lost my mind. they looked at me as if i was playing games with them, as if all this was a joke. it wasn't. at all. how can it be?


"we don't know who you're talking about, but there isn't anyone there. you're looking at an empty chair." xavier tells me softly. i did a double take and nathan and danielle was still there. nathan was laughing at not only me but also at my friends. they're the crazy ones, how can they not see this twat?!

"bloody hell, look at how stupid your friends are. they're so blind." nathan shook his head, throwing his head back with laughter. it made me want to snap his neck right off. why is he doing this?

"i agree, nath. he's always been as idiotic loser. that's why you're so much better." and she presses her lips on my best friend's.

or should i say, ex best friends.


"what are you doing?!" justin exclaims trying to pull me off nathan. i was throwing punches at him, but every punch was deflected, and it hurt like hell. i didn't remember a time when he was ever this tough and hard. his body was pretty solid. when did he find the time to work out?

if that's what danielle likes, i have a much better body. everyone knows that. oh my god.

"KILLING HIM. HE KISSED HER. SHE'S MINE, THIS IS CRAZY." i screamed, trying to now fight justin off me so i can attack nathan once again.

"the only thing that's crazy is the way you're acting, liam." xavier was looking pretty freaked out at me now. one of my friends is scared of my rage. oops.


"if you keep punching, liam, you're going to injure yourself. you're already bleeding. we need to take you to the medical centre." justin looks worriedly down at my hands. i look down at my knuckles and he was right... they were pouring out blood. god damn nathan.

"how is he so good at punching? i don't even remember him touching my hands." i mused to myself, almost as confused as everyone else around me. xavier speaks next, a voice almost full of fear.

"liam, you were only punching a chair."


the nurse seemed quite concerned when she saw the state i was in. i was shaking with rage and my knuckles just wouldn't stop bleeding.

i wanted to kill though.

"what happened to him?" she questions the only two loyal people in my lives. i know they'd never try to get with the love my life and mentally destroy me too.

justin starts off, "it's a long story, m'am. he claims to be angry with someone who was with the love of his life, and then apparently started punching him-"

"-but reality is, there was no-one there miss. he was punching a chair." and xavier finishes it.

the nurse looks baffled at the pair and then at me, "a chair?!" they nod their heads. i don't say a word, i'm too busy lost in my own thoughts, "i know you. you're the kid that held his breathe for three minutes underwater for his audition, right?"

"yeah, that's him. it was insane wasn't it?" justin shakes his head but smiles lightly.

why does everyone think i'm crazy? i'm the sane one.

"yes, defiantly. i think, honestly... that was impossible. i didn't think anyone could ever do it for that long. he broke records. how did you even find the will to do that?" she questions me and i decide to speak now.

"my best friend motivated me." i shrugged. everyone has support.

what's the big deal?

"how did he speak to you? you were underwater." the nurse seems confused.

"he was also underwater."

she shakes her head, "no. i was there. nobody was underwater except you, kid."

i narrow my eyebrows at her, feeling my anger take over once more, "are you calling me a liar, because i promise you, i swear to god he was there with me!"

the nurse looks at my friends and then back at me. she looks at me as if i had completely lost my mind, like i was a lost cause. like no drugs could ever cure me.

"i'm going to call the hospital."

Schizophrenia. [LP AU] 卌Where stories live. Discover now