Six~ Health Potion

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Written by~ Brqken
Edited by~ Brqken

TW:( Death, suicide and sensitive content)

Hope you enjoy this part! <3
" Stay close by me, and around the wolf, I hear growls in the distance so keep your distance from them."

" Okay okay, I have vision on the beacon, it isn't powered anymore so hopefully it won't be hot so we can actually move it. Who has the pick axe?"

" I do." A voice says in the distance

" Okay George your job is to move the beacon with the pick axe and me and Zak and the other bunch will lift it, so you go under neath it, make sure you have a good grip on it too, because if that falls the beacon will shatter."

" Okay we're entering the courtyard, stay close to the wolf and don't let any Zombie scratch you or touch you."

~ The group goes close and closer to the beacon, but the noise from the beacon is over powering their hearing making it harder to focus. George begins to put the pick axe underneath the beacon and slowly begging to lift it up with the groups help.

" Okay okay, we got we got, just don't let this drop or else we will all die. Do you hear me? When the beacon is out of the ground we are going to roll it on its side and jump down the hole and block it off."

" Okay, three, two, one, Tilt the beacon over very gently don't let it slide out of your hands it is already heavy enough."

~ The beacon begins to slide out of Zak's hands, making it harder for him to grip it and let it down softly. The beacon slides out of Zak's grip and it begins to makes it harder for all the other boys that are helping Zak, they begin to lose traction on the beacon and it began to slide out of all the other boys hands. Making a run for it Zak runs towards the side that its sliding and grabs it from underneath letting it down easy so it wouldn't explode.

" I have Vision on the shaft, better get down there quickly before the wolf can't hold them off for long. C'mon lets get down here."

" wait, where's George? Wasn't he just here a second ago before the beacon dropped?"

~ Screams become louder in the distance, the heads of the group look towards the screaming, George is being eaten by the Zombies, after running from the beacon when it was about to explode.

" George!"

" Dream, you can't go to save him he's already gone, we can save him, we just have to find this health portion and cure the sickness."

~ They all begin to jump into the shaft, seeing cobwebs everywhere and spiders that are blue running around on the ground.

" Guys be very cautious these spiders are very deadly and will almost kill, its enough to not make you walk anymore, and if one pounces on you again you're dead."

~ Cave spiders begin crawling all over the walls and through the cobwebs, they begin to get very aggravated by the presence of the group, and begin to follow them through the shaft.

" Stop! There's lava over here and huge drop, plenty of skulls on the wall, making me not want to jump, even though there's a waterfall that could probably break our fall, but just getting past the lava is hard enough."

" We brought a pick, we could try and dig through the wall and go around the lava, it may take longer than we want but it will get the job done."

" I trust you dream, but I don't want everyone to die on this journey, we're trying to save people not kill them. Lets do this in the most careful way as possible, try not to get burned and not to fall into the lava."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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