Three~ Shooting

31 3 1

Written by~ Redfireburns
Edited by~ Redfireburns
Hope you enjoy <3

( TW:- Acts of Viloence, Language, And sensitive content)

Bang, Bang, bang

"Shit, what the hell was that? Where did that come from?"

Bang, Bang, Bang. ** A girls screaming occurs**

" Did those just get louder, I better get out of here, wait, what about Zak he was just in the building."

** Shooting gets louder and louder, The shooter gets in contact with Darryl**

" whats your name! Mine is Darryl, I'm just a kid, I barely have Ben lived my life! I'm still a virgin, I have never dated anyone in my life!"

" I need to give you my name before you should've gave me your's, my name is Gary Clark, I'm here trying to find Zak Carter, he killed my life from getting into accident while under the influence of alcohol."

" He never would've done that, he is barely even old enough to drink drinks, He was in the hospital barely a week ago, it would've been impossible, then he turned 21 a couple months ago, he only drank heavily once in his life."

" that doesn't change anything that my wife is six feet underneath the ground with not a single soul in her, and it was all because of your stupid friend."

" He is only 21, he doesn't know right from left, and that doesn't give you permission to shoot him."

"It gives me every right to shoot him and kill him, because he's the one who killed my wife, so he's the one who deserves to die and that's what going to happen to him."

Gary pepper sprays Darryl, and runs to go and find Zak, He begins wondering the halls, and finds the love note that Zak put in Darryls pocket the night that they went to the bar, The note is all covered in blood and the walls say

"Meet in the boiler room, on the bottom floor, and there you will meet me and your wife."

Gary begins to start shooting at the wall in frustration, and begins to run the down hall and into the stairs not noticing that Darryl is missing from the spot where Gary pepper sprayed him.

He begins down the stairs and spells a specific scent that brings him back to the day that his wife died.

                                           ** Back in 2018**


" ANNA, where are you! I need to find my wife she is in one of those two cars, she walked out this morning because we got into a fight and she took a different car, it might've been one of her moms cars." Gary begins to the officer

" Don't worry Mr. Clark, we'll find her and give her the medical attention that she needs."

Police officers begin to swarm Zak's car, putting a whole bunch of tubes for breath tests and they all came back positive, meaning that Zak was drunk and made this a crime scene.

The police begin to caution tape off the road, and kept testing Zak, meaning that no medical care was going to Anna, Anna's brain began to bleed and she started to convulse with no one knowing of it.

" okay sir we are going to begin examining your wife, is that okay with you?"

"Yes, that is okay do anything with her, just make her better and make her live because we have a beautiful trip to Hawaii planned out, her dream vacation "

" we will do everything that we can, and give her the medical care that she needs, all we need from you is to go and sit at the side of the road and wait for us to be done."

The police begin to examine her and figure out that her pulse has been gone for too long and pronounce time of death, the go and talk to Gary and tell him there is many programs that he can go and join.

" you know Anna was wearing her favourite perfume, she loved it so much that she would go and put it on at night and go and sleep with it on"

Gary begins to mumble underneath his breath, and gets up and goes into his car, and drives home, searching for Zak's collage to go and kill him to avenge his wife.

                                           ** Back to reality**

Gary begins down the stairs to the boiler to kill Zak and Darryl, He is almost there when he hears his wife's voice in his mind, saying to him don't do it, don't hurt yourself for me. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to kill them.

" Ready Zak, when he walks in you gotta blast him with the oil so it could burn him alive."

Zak's eyes are getting heavy from the wound on his back, too much blood is being lost, he begins to close his eyes."

Gary walks into the room and is blasted with the oil scolding him, his screams are so horrific that it wakes Zak, He begins to push more of the oil out to make him in more pain.

" That's enough! We have to get out of here before they know it was us, Darryl Carries up Zak and puts him in the lobby, where a officer and a paramedic is waiting for him, they wheel him outside and Darryl starts to talk to Zak.

" You know we make a great team, and we will always make a great team and I hope that something like it's will never happen again to us."

Darryl leans in for a kiss but gets bounced back as if the force of gravity went away for a second, storm clouds start to roll in and thunder so loud that it breaks all the glass around Darryl.

" wheel him in! Hurry! Before something happens to him!" Darryl screams out to the paramedics."

Darryl runs inside because his skin is burning from the rain, its like the rain is almost acidic and can burn through anything it touches. Darryl can see all the glass on all the buildings breaking and shattering, he begins to realize that every time Zak and him make a love connection something happens.

He just stares outside seeing everything being destroyed and crumbled into bits from the lighting striking it. He says to himself-

" I guess this is the next wave?"

~Written by Redfireburns

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