Chapter Seventeen

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Right now we were all sitting in the pack meeting room discussing the almost war that took place yesterday.

"You are free to speak." He spoke loudly using his alpha voice.

"Is the rogue armies leader in the dungeons?" A middle aged man with salt and pepper colored hair asked.

"He is contained and under questioning as we speak." Announced Lincoln gripping onto the chair so tight from his anger towards the rogues that his knuckles began to turn white.

"Well I know our Luna is some sort of freak now so isn't that just great." It was that girl that kissed Lincoln the first day that we met. I thought he said she was in the dungeons now.

"Don't disrespect your Luna." Growled James who was sitting next to me.

"Please. She wasn't even introduced to the pack yet, therefore making her not the Luna." She spoke raising her voice, clearly showing disrespect towards James and I.

"Sarah." Snapped an older man younger than James but not by much.

" What Daddy, I'm simply stating facts." She spoke glancing down at her unusually long sparkly pink nails.

"Do you want me to start stating facts." I spat as I rose from my chair. "I killed all those people to save everyone here, I regret having to kill them, but I'm starting to realize that I wouldn't have had a choice. So instead of being an ungrateful brat, you should really be thanking me. I can tell your by far one of the weakest werewolves in this pack, probably because all you care about is sleeping around." I took a deep breath and looked at all the shocked faces and happy ones on a few of the higher ranked females.

She gave me a nasty look.

"How dare you insult me." She snapped with her high pitched, whiny and annoying voice.

"Sarah enough!" Snapped her father, glaring at her.

She crossed her arms and sat down like a toddler put in time out.

"How much control do you have over" Asked another female pack warrior.

"Not much, But I promise you I'm working on controlling it, i have someone willing to help me train so I can gain control."

"What about now? Could you be a danger to the pack?" Asked a man with white hair and grey eyes that were laced with doubt.

"With all due respect, I will always be a threat to everyone, pack or not. It will take time to learn how to control this but I will learn control." He nodded but frowned at my statement.

"She can't be trusted she literally just admitted it." Snapped Sarah.

"Sarah! You're dismissed." Snapped Lincoln.

"No, I'm not I am apart of a high ranking family I am entitled to be here." She snapped

He rose from his seat slamming his fists angrily at the polished wooden table. For a second I could of sworn I saw cracks form due to the amount of force.

"Listen here you brat! You deserve nothing! You are entitled to nothing. If you don't want to keep your mouth fucking shut because you are jealous than I'm sure I can strip your families ranking! Am I clear!"

Everyone around the room stated at Lincoln with wide eyes including James.

"Does anyone else have anything to say?" He growled not returning to his seat. I wanted to high five him so badly for saying that to Sarah.
That definitely was a way to shut her up.

When no one answered he concluded the meeting grabbing my hand and pulling me alongside him out of the meeting hall.

"You okay?" I asked him. He wasn't looking at me and he still had that dark demeanor over his face.

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